Tahuki (Protector)

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CoH Game Icon.png Tahuki (Tahuki Haaweraangu)
Level 35 • Originicon mutation.pngArchetypeicon defender.png
Empathy / Psychic Blast
Leaping • Teleportation • Fitness 
CoH Game Icon.png


Tahuki Haaweraangu of the Sky Crest Clan is a young hokorai adventurer from an alternate reality. Because of his unusually large size and psychic abilities, his clan elder chose him to lead a foray into an evil wizard's stronghold. The last thing he remembers before tumbling out onto a street in the outskirts of Paragon City is being grabbed by a furious dragonkin and thrown at a large, glowing slab of stone while he and his fellow hokorai attempted to escape the stronghold's excessively elaborate dungeons.