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This template is to be used on MA Story Arcs for a quick overview of the arc details.
Skip down to the cheat sheet for an empty template to use.
Many of this template's parameters are optional.
NOTE: HTML and standard wiki markup can be used in any parameter except for Image.
- Image (optional): the name of an image file, do not include "File:", and do not include any formatting.
- Recommended image size is 250 pixels wide. Smaller images will be forcibly scaled up, larger images will be forcibly scaled down.
- Title (required): title of the arc
- Auth (required): global name the arc is found under
- ID (required): arc ID number
- Type (optional): arc type (RP, Challenge, etc); may use Mission Architect Tags
- Level (required): level range (or ranges) found in the arc
- Missions (required): number of missions in the arc
- MissionType (optional): if you have any special types of mission (e.g. defeat all, rescue, etc.), list them here
- get as detailed as you like; list mission types of all missions, or only the non-standard ones
- Custom (optional): custom enemy notification
- "Yes" is sufficient, but get as detailed as you please
- Leave off linking to custom AV/Hero/EBs for the appropriate parameters
- Leave off linking to a custom enemy group for the "Enemies" parameter
- Enemies (required): link to enemy groups
- {{PwikiEnemy|Enemy Group Name}} for canon groups (e.g. {{PwikiEnemy|Council}})
- {{OuroEnemy|Enemy Group Name}} for fictional groups here on Ouroboros Portal (e.g. {{OuroEnemy|Lizardmen}})
- Diff (optional): have you raised the difficulty on any enemies beyond Standard?
- if not specified, will say "Standard"
- AV (optional): do you have an AV? link to their page
- Hero (optional): although there is no way to specify "Hero" in MA, if you would rather your AV be "called" a hero, link to their page
- EB (optional): do you have an EB? link to their page
- Ally (optional): do you have an Ally? link to their page
- Links (optional): link to any external sites that detail your arc
- if not specified, will say "None"
- Notes (optional): any special details that don't fit into previous parameters may be placed here.
![]() | |
Example Arc | |
Author: @Example | |
Arc ID: ###### | |
Arc Details | |
Level Range(s): | 1-50 |
No. of Missions: | 3 |
Mission Types: | Mission 1: Defeat All Mission 2: Mission 3: |
Custom Enemies: | Yes |
Enemies: | ![]() ![]() |
Difficulty: | Standard |
Archvillains: | Dr. Aeon |
Allies: | Magnificent Standard Boss Claws/Regen |
External Links | |
Fake External Link | |
Footnotes go here! |
This example can be seen to the right.
|Title=Example Arc
|MissionType=Mission 1:<br />Defeat All
Mission 2:<br />Defeat Boss and Guards
Mission 3:<br />Defeat Boss and Guards (AV), Rescue Ally
|AV=[[paragonwiki:Dr. Aeon|Dr. Aeon]]
|Ally=[[Magnificent]]<br />Standard Boss<br />[[paragonwiki:Claws|Claws]]/[[paragonwiki:Regeneration|Regen]]
|Links=[http://www.example.com Fake External Link]
|Notes=Footnotes go here!
Cheat Sheet
To the right is a view of an empty MissionBox, showing the results if no parameters are completed.
Author: | |
Arc ID: | |
Arc Details | |
Level Range(s): | |
No. of Missions: | |
Enemies: | |
Difficulty: | |
External Links | |