The Floor 13 Project (Justice Supergroup)/Past Activity
From Ouroboros Portal
[hide]- 1 Overview
- 2 Timeline
- 2.1 October 2005
- 2.2 November 2005 to May 2006
- 2.3 June 2006 to October 2006
- 2.4 November 2006 to April 2007
- 2.5 May 2007 to June 2007
- 2.6 July 2007 to October 2007
- 2.7 December 2007
- 2.8 January 2008
- 2.9 February 2008
- 2.10 March 2008 to June 2008
- 2.11 October 2008
- 2.12 November 2008
- 2.13 December 2008
- 2.14 January 2009 to May 2009
- 2.15 June 2009 to August 2009
- 2.16 September 2009 to March 2010
- 2.17 April 2010 to July 2010
- 2.18 August 2010 to October 2010
- 2.19 November 2010 to March 2011
- 2.20 April 2011 to August 2011
- 2.21 September 2011 to February 2012
While an official history of the Floor 13 Project’s existence has yet to be written, investigations have resulted in the compilation of a number of significant events confirmed or deduced to involve its membership.
October 2005
- October 27: Arachnos stages an aerial assault on Zigursky Penitentiary in Paragon City, Rhode Island, with the intent of freeing super-powered prisoners to serve as a part of Lord Recluse's "Operation: Destiny" campaign. The three founding members of the Floor 13 Project, Forsaken Red, the Warpist, and Tinsel Black are among those freed and taken to the Rogue Isles.
November 2005 to May 2006
- Forsaken Red initiates a collaboration with the Warpist and Tinsel Black, likely using a primitive version of F13's current philosophies combined with knowledge gained during his time as a member of the Nemesis Army to gain their trust (though he may not have informed them of his actual prior membership at this time,) and the three begin to take measures to establish a power base.
- Forsaken Red reestablishes contact with Panopticon and begins creating a technological surveillance network in the Rogue Isles. Tinsel Black reestablishes Meridian Antiques in St. Martial in The Flop district. The Warpist observes psychic communications and attempts to shield the three’s activities from Arachnos' psychic network.
- The three gradually improve their powers and refine their methods of gathering information and become capable of hitting fewer high-value targets over many low-value targets to support their operations.
June 2006 to October 2006
- The three villains discover that Wolf Distribution, a shipping and logistics corporation based in Rethra, Russia is actually a massive front for the organized crime operations of Platoon, a group of super-powered Red Army defectors. The three decide that subsuming Wolf would be an excellent way of increasing their power base, but lacking the manpower to defeat the Platoon themselves, they lure the powerful, anarchistic Stonethrowers villain group to the Wolf Distribution headquarters with the promise of monetary compensation for their aid. Correctly predicting that the Stonethrowers would turn on them once the Platoon was defeated, Tinsel Black casts a prepared spell of banishment and removes the surviving members from the city and prevents their return.
- At this time, the Rogue Isles villains believe that the only surviving members of the Platoon after the raid are Excelvolt and the Golden Kosmik. In reality, the villain Terminus has also survived, but has escaped while leaving evidence to suggest otherwise.
- The Golden Kosmik dies from its wounds soon after the battle, but lives long enough free from Terminus' mind control to give the remaining villains a warning about the extraterrestrial threat known today as The Battalion. The Floor 13 Project is more formally established afterwards in light of the Golden Kosmik's warning.
- As a result of their victory, F13 not only begins the takeover of Wolf Distribution and organized crime in Rethra, but also gains access to Terminus' laboratory and projects as well as the Platoon's Soviet era orbital launch platform, Damocles, which they retrofit to increase Panopticon's surveillance capabilities. Excelvolt and, presumably, other Wolf Distribution security members join the Floor 13 Project.
- Projects 10, 11, 12, 13, Bell, Good Neighbors, Ranger, Ant Farm, and Morpheus begin during this time period, in planning if in no other form.
November 2006 to April 2007
- Crey Industries attempts to acquire Wolf Distribution during this time period. Shortly afterwards, financial records indicate that this event is what prompts F13 to begin preparations to liquidate and/or redistribute the corporation’s assets in the case of an emergency, leading investigators to believe that some members of Crey Industries, in addition to any legal methods of acquisition, attempted a violent takeover of Wolf in the same way that F13 performed on the Platoon almost a year before.
- Excelvolt establishes The Nightingale in Cap au Diable's Devil's Coattails district. He establishes a smuggling and information network as well as his chessboxing ring soon thereafter.
- Projects 11, Bell, Good Neighbors, and Ranger are completed, and Projects Edge and Rocky Road begin during this time period.
May 2007 to June 2007
- The Russian ethnic population in Cap au Diable grows slowly as immigrants arrive from the town of Perunika, Excelvolt's place of birth.
- Projects Ant Farm and Rocky Road are completed, and Projects Orchestra, Goldenrod, Black Poppy, Horizon Blue, Ultra Red and Ultra Black begin during this time period. Ant Farm is now known to be Forsaken Red's "Unternet", a computer network linked together by technomagical means, accessible through computer devices by several different methods, and controlled under the watch of Panopticon and the rest of F13.
July 2007 to October 2007
- Damocles is destroyed at the onset of the Second Rikti War.
- F13 assists Vanguard by providing intelligence gathered by its members on Rikti troop movements. Forsaken Red fights for Vanguard personally, accompanying luminaries such as Felicity Bane and Simone Chandler to push back the alien menace.
- Forsaken Red's past connections to the Nemesis Army become public knowledge during this time period, and people question his motivations for assisting Vanguard and not informing the world of Nemesis' involvement with the First Rikti War.
December 2007
- INTERPOL and the hero Ahnek-Rah Zul accost Tinsel Black, the Warpist, and what is believed to be a member of the Ouroboros organization in Cairo, Egypt at the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. F13 and the Ouroboros acolyte escape after a brief skirmish.
January 2008
- January 7: Didier Delacroix, a United Nation Security Council member representing France, reveals the results of an investigation that places blame on Forsaken Red for transferring money from the accounts of private citizens in his country and others.
- January 15: Delacroix speaks at a General Assembly and threatens economic sanctions against the Rogue Isles for a lack of cooperation. Delacroix's message begins to turn towards personal insults against Forsaken Red, and he calls for the public to ignore the villain's deeds during the Rikti War. Forsaken Red retaliates at once by hacking into the meeting to taunt the delegate, threatening him with blackmail in public, and professes innocence in regards to the scheme.
February 2008
- Prompted by the events of the previous month, Hero Corps villain profiler Mary Moses appears on news broadcasts, radio programs and talk shows throughout the month attempting to explain the connection between Forsaken Red's current and past behaviors and his personal history.
- As the month draws to a close, Moses appears one last time on KPOW News in Paragon City. The broadcast cuts out briefly, then returns to a highly disheveled studio set and a missing villain profiler. Forsaken Red later releases documentation showing that the person named Mary Moses never existed, but gives no indication as to her true identity, and explains that his motivation for the kidnapping lay in Moses' expertise: since she appeared to know him so well, he decided that she should work as his public relations agent.
- Project Static begins.
March 2008 to June 2008
- March 15: A Wolf Distribution cargo vessel is discovered post-assault off the coast of the Canary Islands en route to Boston from Kaliningrad. No emergency beacon was sent and no survivors are found.
- June 6: Didier Delacroix is slain during an attempted hijacking of his armored limousine convoy by Forsaken Red, who appears to meet resistance from the Malta Organization during the operation. It is not immediately known whether or not Forsaken Red is actually responsible for killing Delacroix.
- June 9: The UN Security Council responds to Delacroix's death by releasing information connecting several branches of Wolf Distribution and the international electronic bank thefts that carry the markings of Forsaken Red's work. The Security Council also releases findings from a French DGSE covert investigation revealing that the cargo ship found destroyed on March 15th appeared to be trying to salvage the wreckage of Damocles from the ocean floor. The Security Council proposes that Forsaken Red murdered Delacroix in revenge for discovering his association with Damocles and demands that Russian authorities begin investigating Forsaken Red's link with Wolf Distribution.
- June 10th: The first version of F13's public blog appears. In its first post, whose author writes under the pseudonym "Sway", the blog explains that Forsaken Red's motivation for the hijacking was not, in fact, to murder Delacroix, but to remove him from Malta's custody. Sway states that murder in response to mere accusations is petty, and also posts photographic evidence that appears to show that one of Delacroix’s Malta guards, defeated by Forsaken Red, is actually a Nemesis automaton. Forensic evidence will later show that Delacroix was slain by this automaton.
October 2008
- Any investigation into Wolf Distribution is brought to a halt as the undead appear worldwide in great numbers.
- October 21 (approx.): In the Rogue Isles, the Stonethrowers leader Memento Mori reappears and holds many living and otherwise on Mercy Island in his thrall, threatening to take over the entire country unless Arachnos brings Forsaken Red to him, dead or alive.
- In the process of making his threats, Memento Mori reaffirms the UN Security Council's proposed connection between Forsaken Red and Wolf Distribution, as well as the events leading to the Platoon's demise. Memento Mori represents the first party to confirm that Forsaken Red may be working with others in a more organized fashion than simple collaboration.
- October 28: Intelligence suggests that the Arachnos lieutenant Ghost Widow leverages this information to convince Tinsel Black to find a way to break Memento Mori's hold over Mercy and defeat the supervillain. As the djinn rounds up the researchers she thinks appropriate for the task, she and other members of F13 travel to Paragon City and attempt to capture Ampelio Honeycutt, a biologist and brother of SEAM (Subterranean Emergency Access Metro) security member Honeythrasher, resulting in a major clash between F13 and SEAM.
- Other reports at this time show Forsaken Red in conflict with Malta, Nemesis, and Arachnos in locations around the Rogue Isles as he continues to try and unravel the mystery behind Delacroix's assassination.
November 2008
- November 9: Russian military forces raid the Svetovid Building, Wolf Distribution's Rethra headquarters, seizing any documentation they can find on the corporation's activities, but encounter no armed resistance among the relative skeleton crew left employed at the building since workers began to leave after learning of the possible connection to foreign villainy.
- The military's most startling find is that of the charred remains of the corporation's CEO and board of directions seated in the executive meeting room; more startling is the fact that each one of them appears to have been some sort of robotic automaton, leaving doubts in the minds of investigators as to whether any of Wolf Distribution's investors or stockholders operate under their own will or are even real.
December 2008
- December 1: United States Security Council member James Wesker accuses the Russian government of concealing dangerous information regarding the Platoon, the group's heavy involvement in the Russian mafia, and its possession of weapons of mass destruction, all in the name of trying to save face. Wesker also conflates the activities of Forsaken Red and Agent Charlie to make the Rogue Isles appear weak and inept at controlling individuals who could threaten entire nations, including the Rogue Isles themselves.
- This accusation seems to spark activity in the upper echelons of Arachnos, but despite the Arbiter Corps' demands towards Forsaken Red to stand down, the villain defies their orders. Instead, Forsaken Red retreats to Floor 13 at this time to reconnoiter and declare vengeance against any enemy force that chooses to attack F13
- December 2: A major assault occurs against F13 at the Svetovid Building with appearances by Malta and the Nemesis Army, presumably to take F13’s resources for themselves. The two groups rout the Russian military forces recently placed in Rethra.
- The villain Terminus reappears at this time, apparently using the assault as a distraction to breach Floor 13's security. He later distributes F13 project and operations data to public sources; included is information related to the projects mentioned thus far, details about Floor 13's true nature, and discussion logs suggesting that F13's membership extends beyond those villains who publicly acknowledge it.
January 2009 to May 2009
- Since many of F13's operational details were gleaned from Terminus' raid, information from this point forward becomes relatively less insightful.
- In retaliation for Forsaken Red's disobedience against an Arbiter, Arachnos forcefully extracts F13's cooperation in a one-way information exchange in return for the group's continued survival. For a time, F13 effectively becomes another branch of Arachnos research and development.
- April 15: Crey Industries documents acquired through FOIA reveal a series of orders from its security division to gather several of its more talented agents to form Task Force Apollo, which will be led by the suddenly rehired agent 'Lightning' Wake LaGuardia. Based on Apollo's future actions, it is presumed that the agents are chosen for unique resistances to mind control.
- Though Apollo's true purpose remains classified by the FBSA in the present day, what is known is that the task force began conducting an investigation which included, but was not limited to, interviewing members of the public under the guise of asking them to participate in a 'public health and safety' survey. Other known activities by Apollo include the confiscation of shipping and financial records of private businesses and companies in Paragon City and eventually abroad. Most theories on how or why Apollo received permission to perform these actions claim that Countess Crey herself pulled many strings to get the authorities to look the other way.
June 2009 to August 2009
- June 22: Apollo uncovers and performs a surprise assault on the operational site of F13-Arachnos joint project Spectrum in the Rogue Isles, resulting in the violent dismantlement of the project, a near rout of all opposing forces, and the kidnapping of the Warpist.
- Crey Industries documents acquired through FOIA show that Forsaken Red attempts a counterattack and rescue operation on Crey's Nerva Archipelago facilities where Apollo has been routed to prepare for a return trip to Paragon City. The documents further state that Crey forces on-site abruptly turn on one another, apparently at the behest of the villain Terminus, who removes the Warpist from Apollo's custody. To date, Crey Industries currently claims that Terminus discreetly seized control of one of its research branches to perform rogue experiments involving mind control using its resources, and postulates that the Warpist may have willingly or unwillingly played a part in the unfolding events.
- June 24: Forsaken Red battles members of SEAM in the Paragon City hazard zone of Baumton ('Boomtown'), accompanied by a previously unknown gynoid and an unidentified Arachnos assassin. The F13 forces push further into Paragon City, presumably following information they've found on the Warpist and Terminus' whereabouts.
- June 25: An unknown party ambushes Apollo, which has recently returned from Nerva; investigation reports that this party retrieves classified information from Apollo about the nature of the situation, leading to speculation that the unknown party may be unidentified members of F13; whether they are the same members that appeared on the 24th is not known.
- June 26: Forsaken Red surfaces again alongside Agent LaGuardia in the hazard zone of Venice ('Crey's Folly') and briefly engages members of the 5th Column in open combat in the Tangle Town district. This event precedes reports of a large, unidentified spatial anomaly that occurs in the area, followed by what investigators believe is the detonation of a weapon modeled after a Nemesis Doomsday Device, presumably built by Forsaken Red. The device appears to malfunction, or have had its function altered such that, to date, its full effect has not been identified, but investigators believe the device is responsible for collapsing the anomaly.
- PPD officers arriving on site report that the collapse of the anomaly destroys many structures in the area. Officers also report that as Forsaken Red emerges from the rubble through the use of his force fields, he is waylaid and presumably mortally wounded by the entity now registered by the FBSA as 'Guardian Down' before his arrest.
- Wake LaGuardia escapes the area before the detonation of Forsaken Red's device and relieves himself to PPD custody without incident. Other surviving members of Apollo report massive casualties as a result of conflict with Terminus and his 5th Column allies, and report that Terminus himself died of lethal injuries to his person. The whereabouts of the Warpist and the other members of F13 in Paragon City at the time remain unknown.
- June 28: According to leaked Longbow intelligence reports, Arachnos suddenly severs its hold over F13 and its assets and performs an immediate audit and purge on its own psychic network.
- June 29: Sway issues a statement on the F13 blog on behalf of the Floor 13 Project declaring that, in spite of the presumed loss of at least two of its founding members, its goal remains in place and that those who have damaged F13 will still face retribution
- August 4: F13 reports that Tinsel Black is now the Acting Project Director.
September 2009 to March 2010
- Reports surface of skirmishes between previously unknown combatants acting on behalf of the Floor 13 Project, the Council, and unknown androids bearing the Gamester's emblem throughout this period in the Rogue Isles and Paragon City, but focused particularly in the region of Cap au Diable.
- The Family and acquired allies attempt to force Tinsel Black and Meridian Antiques out of The Flop, presumably at Johnny Sonata's bidding.
- Independent biochemist Dr. Robert Sauber and his staff are caught in the middle of an unexpected conflict between Crey security forces and more unknown F13 assets. The conflict is believed to have been a result of Crey Biotech's legal acquisition of Dr. Sauber's laboratory and research, an acquisition that in scientific circles he was known to have been against. F13 claims that their confiscation of Dr. Sauber's research, which involved methods of removing foreign agents from the human body and work on a chemical catalyst that would enable such a feat, was intended to keep Crey from burying the doctor's discoveries forever. F13 has not yet released information on the full scope of Dr. Sauber's research.
April 2010 to July 2010
- As a result of the conflict between F13 and the Family in St. Martial, tensions begin to rise between the Family and illicit Russian activity in Cap au Diable. Arachnos, recovering from the possible corruption of its psychic network and assault by the Reichsman's hands months earlier, appoints Operative Serpico to act as an INTERPOL Etoile Isles liason, tasked with investigating and cracking down on F13 activity in the Rogue Isles. As a result, overt activity in Cap au Diable on the part of F13 settles down, and Serpico and F13's apparent representative on the cape, Excelvolt, retain an outwardly cool relationship, but skirmishes still occur between F13 and other forces behind closed doors.
August 2010 to October 2010
- The F13 blog abruptly begins releasing documents and pictures giving a rare glimpse into the dimension of Praetorian Earth. Speculation proliferates on the possibility that the Vanguard may have tapped Panopticon once again for intelligence-gathering purposes some time before, but their methods are unclear.
- August 13: F13 members Tinsel Black and Sway are reported to have accosted a Catholic priest, now known to be Sway's uncle, in Paragon City at this time. Her relative retaliates by sending a paranormal bounty hunter after the pair; witnesses report that Sway is horribly wounded by the hunter's 'purifying' magic, but survives. The bounty hunter is defeated by what appears to be an advanced version of the gynoid seen with Forsaken Red in 'Boomtown' in June of 2009. The android and others like it are now believed to be a physical extension of Panopticon and have been given the codename 'Alter Optic' by the FBSA.
November 2010 to March 2011
- F13 forces led by Tinsel Black appear with other Rogue Isles combatants to fight against the first Praetorian invasion forces on Nerva Archipelago. Witnesses observe F13 utilizing some type of transmission interception equipment and absconding with several pieces of Praetorian technology.
- Witness reports cross-referenced with Midnight Squad and MAGI documentation note Tinsel Black's apparent immunity to the power-dampening field used by the Praetorian forces.
- February 3: Operative Serpico's forces raid a F13 materials plant inside a cargo ship located south of the main islands. The report given to INTERPOL states that the plant was manufacturing 'construction' materials seemingly unrelated to Floor 13.
April 2011 to August 2011
- April 5: An unexpected citywide blackout in Cap au Diable contributes to multiple failures of Arachnos security and operative procedures. This event precedes a series of deadly assaults against Arachnos forces working under Operative Serpico, as well as the disappearance of the raided F13 cargo ship from Grandville's docks and sabotage of the found materials in Grandville proper on the same day.
- In the following days, INTERPOL staff and officers working on investigations related to F13 begin suffering from sudden onset amnesia or exotic methods of thought control, and information regarding the contents of the raided F13 cargo ship are discovered to be missing in the aftermath.
- Via the F13 blog, now updated by 'Devilish' Sway, F13 claims responsibility for the events and states that while INTERPOL may have had a valid reason to investigate an unidentified ship in sovereign waters, the organization has a responsibility to uphold its motto and keep technology developed to mitigate the damage from a 'coming storm' out of 'unknown hands'.
September 2011 to February 2012
- The Gadzul Oil corporation, based in Cairo, Egypt, reports attacks on multiple facilities on the part of F13 forces around the world. The F13 blog cryptically announces that the attacks were committed in part to 'mitigate the intensity' of the approaching conflict with a force known as 'Battalion.'
- F13 then releases an information dump on what little is known of the Battalion, much of it gained from Forsaken Red's research into Rikti history, statements made by the Golden Kosmik years earlier, and from information gained somehow from the Ouroboros organization.