The Heroics (Defiant Supergroup)

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Break The Law, We Break You


Formed in the Winter of 2007 while a small band of heroes carved their way through hordes of Trolls in The Hollows, The Heroics has grown from its humble origins to a potent, if somewhat controversial, force of good in Paragon City and beyond. As a group they are not necessarily the 'stalwart role models' that the likes of Statesman wishes they would be. Instead they are a group who get the job done and are not afraid of getting their hands dirty, a trait that has served them well.


The group has a relatively relaxed open door approach towards membership allowing individuals to come and go as they please. Additionally, their command structure is one without a 'true' leader. While one individual will hold a rank above all others, the governing of the group is dealt with by an upper core of long serving members.

Operative Rank Archetype Powersets Player
The Awesomizer Leader Tank Invulnrability/Energy Melee  ?
Ace Jones (Defiant) Hero Blaster Energy Blast/Energy Melee @Ace Jones
Captain Fallout Hero Defender Radiation Blast/Radiation Emission  ?
Dead Flare Hero Brute Spines/Dark  ?
D-Doc Hero Defender Radiation Blast/Empathy  ?
Fiery Storm Hero Controller Fire Control/Storm Summoning  ?
Suprime Hero Brute Energy Melee/Shield Defence  ?




  • The Unheroics
  • The Fallout Empire