The Priest (Union)
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The reverend Pious, here depicted in the holy cleric garment, the Cassock | |
The Priest | |
Player: @Pious | |
Origin: | Multi-Origin |
Archetype: | Multi-Classification |
Level: | Alpha Clearance: 50 |
Primary Set: | Multi-Abilities |
Secondary Set: | Multi-Abilities |
Epic Set: | Multiple Skills |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Pious Micheal Hunter |
Identity: | Not Widely Known |
Aliases: | Saint Micheal, Father Micheal, Noktul |
Species: | Mutant, Nephilim |
Date of Birth: | 28 Mar. 1986 |
Age: | 23 |
Height: | 6'2 |
Weight: | 156lb |
Build: | Athletic |
Eye Colour: | Brown |
Hair Colour: | Black |
Skin Complexion: | Brown |
Distinguishment: | None |
Medical Status: | Stable |
Financial Status: | Beneficiary |
Religion: | Christian |
Sexuality: | Heterosexual |
Marital Status: | Married to Damsel |
Known Relatives: | Grandfather; Henry Fox, Grandmother; Samantha Fox, Father; David 'Noktil' Hunter, Mother; Monica Hunter, Wife; Rachel Hunter, Daughter; Hazel |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | British-American |
Ethnicity: | African-American |
Legal Status: | Dual-Citizen |
Place of Birth: | London, England |
Education: | Universal Life Church, Paragon High, New York State Elementary |
Occupation: | Priest |
Group Affiliations: | New Heroes Union, Art of War, Catholic Church |
Base of Operations: | Moth Cathedral |
Residency: | Moth Cathedral |
Known Powers | |
Various | |
Known Abilities | |
Counseling, Preaching, Construction, First Aid, Rescue, Combat & Weapons Skills | |
Equipment | |
Crucifix, Copy of the Bible, Assault Rifle, Explosives, Knife and a Club | |
Awards and Collections | |
PhD in Counseling, PhD in Exorcism, PhD in Herbology, PhD in Naturopathy, PhD in Paranormal Psychology, PhD in Religion, PhD in Theocentric Psychology, PhD in Theology, Ministerial Certificate, Doctor of Divinity, Certified Healing Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Doctor of Metaphysics, Registered Parapsychologist, Certified Pastor, Certified Priest, Certified Psychic, Certified Tarot Advisor, Certified Saint, Protector of Innocents, Keeper of Peace, Defender of Truth, Justice Incarnate, Hero of the City | |
Licenses and Certificates | |
Hero & Ministerial License, Weapons License | |
IC Accessibility of Article | |
NHU, Art of War, Militia, Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs and other authorities. |
Pious was my very first character and he took years to complete! I like roleplaying him because he has an arsenal of superhuman abilities! Each, imprinted in his genetic coding. He can do a whole lot of cool stuff that makes the action so much more awesome. But don't worry, I still know how to keep it real - his body can only cope with one or two powersets at a time, and it takes ages to change powers. Pious owns an array of weapons, licensed for use when hunting, on a mission or patrol. Although Pious is an original character in his own rights, I consider him a homage to 'mean priest' characters like Canon Fodder and The Preacher (34 total page count)
What's new with Pious? Check out the future comicbook Priest #5 - New World Alliance at the Unionverse wiki.
- Sword of Redemption is the science-mad doctor Edward Johnson who sought baptism from Priest when he became demon-infested.
- Codename is a young girl born with severe brain damage. Her science-mad father used technology to amplify her neurons.
- Dragonfly is a young mother trained from birth to be used as a weapon in the way of the Ninja but instead, fled to America.
- Damsel is a mutant with the ability to mimic other people's abilities. Although limited to only a few. She is married to the Priest.
- Guardians of the Earth are a small team of sentinels based in space orbit, guarding the planet from local and intergalactic threats.
- The Militia is a team of citizens who volunteer to defend the city from crime, gangs, outlaws and terrorists threats.
- New Heroes Union is the worker's union of heroes striving to protect our world from domestic and extraterrestrial threats.
- Art of War is a group of highly trained warriors from England who now use their skills for global operations.
- The Freedom Phalanx is Paragon City's oldest ensemble of heroes. The Priest maintains personal connections as a reserve member.
- The Vanguard is the United Nation's umbrella organization, coordinating hero resources in the worldwide war against the Rikti.
- The Catholic Church is in reference to the global body of Christians. Reverend Pious Hunter is a young priest in service.
- Pistol is a mutant woman born into the criminal syndicate of the Family. She craves for more power by any means necessary.
- League of Righteous Destroyers are a secret alliance of powerful men and women planning on conquering parts of the world.
- The Princes of Hell is an army of vengeful demons sworn to capture and unleash the demonic essence in the Priest's soul.
- Circle of Thorns is an age old cult operating from the lost city of Oranbega. They are followers of the sorcerer Baron Zoria.
The most noticeable attribute in the Priest is the lack of expression. He does not smile, he does not frown; only his eyes communicate emotion. This is generally due to the weight of responsibility he carries, the burden of protecting the world from himself, the emotional scar of endless spiritual battles. He avoids himself by immersing in his holy duties as a Catholic Priest and can only be found at Moth Cathedral. In a social environment like Sunday mass, he remains polite, courteous and humble. His faith holds him together, keeping him calm and undisturbed. His very presence often induces a state of peace and tranquility among believers. In world media, the Priest is perceived as a reclusive and mysterious defender of righteousness. He keeps his name secret to protect the Church and his loved ones. An impervium plate masks his face from the enemy and the general public. Only a handful of friends know what he looks like underneath.
The Priest is motivated to fight evil by his strong Christian ideals. He shares the dream of a holy future and works to bring peace and love into the darkest corners of world. Unrequited, unconditional love of every man and woman. It is this love that the Priest fights to protect. Before he lays down judgment or punishment, he would see the good in people and encourage it. He would lead by example, introducing himself as a servant of the Lord, a messenger first and a warrior second. The ministers at Moth Cathedral recognize him as a miracle-worker and an angel of God, they call him Saint Micheal.
Pious's chief vulnerability are his loved ones, family and fellow citizens so he has become adept in hostage situations. When engaged in combat however, he could be overcome if knocked unconscious. Over the past five years, he's honed his skills to a fine art, but it still can take him several minutes to fine tune his focus from one ability to another, during this time, Pious is entirely vulnerable to interruption.
Also, the Priest can show great mercy to his enemies if he senses even a sliver of hope that they might change their ways. This love, this kindness is often seen as his greatest weakness. However, evil demons, spirits, witches or wizards are mercilessly executed. Lifeless machines are dismantled, the undead are annihilated and evil men are simply poetically slaughtered. Since the loss of his cellular abilities the Priests often experiences bouts of anxiety, where he fears being killed. With his immortality stripped away, he is suddenly open to all sorts of attacks from the negative realms. However he remains devoted to his job, valiantly battling evil, rescuing the helpless and averting natural disasters. For he believes that with divine power comes divine responsibility.Equipment
The Priest keeps his weapons hidden inside a holy chamber, deep underneath Moth Cathedral near the cemetery. There lies the magical Sword of Leviticus, the stone Mallet of Gomorrah, the replenishing Bow of Saint Joseph, the armoured Shield of Saint Daniel and the holy Dagger of Saint Micheal. Also, shelve after shelve house an array of silver bullets, grenades and daggers, all set aside for demon hunting. Littered around the chamber are several more tools for exorcisms such as old Bibles, Crosses, amulets and kegs of Holy Water.
Both Pious and his wife are expert gunmen and are well trained in the use of explosives. Like Damsel, the Priest owns and handles an assault rifle XM8; fully equipped with a long range sniper-scope, burst and slug spitfire, M30 grenades, flamethrower and ground ignition. His cloaked inventory consists of disintegrating caltrops, web grenades, highly explosive trip mines, the VX19 timed explosives, anti-gravity targeting drones, stealth armour, cryoadamantium body armour, liquid-nitrogen freeze ray pistol, LRM missiles, a collapsible spitfire automatic turret and a lightweight blade.
The XM8 is a lightweight assault rifle system developed by the United States Army in 2005, ironically, after the first Rikti invasion. It holds 5.56 × 45 mm NATO cartridges, fires by gas-operated action-systems and rotating bolts. It can fire up to 800 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 980 m/s. Its effective range is between 0 and 800 meters (in sniper-mode) and feeds with a 30 round detachable box magazine or a 100-round C-Mag drum magazine. It has built in reflex (laser) sight with 1x magnification (4× for DMR variant). The true beauty of this weapon is its four variants; a compact PDW (personal defense weapon) with a 9.5 inch (241 mm) barrel (Pious's favourite when blazing in dual-Uzi style), a carbine with a 12.5 inch (318 mm) barrel, and sniper and automatic rifle variants with 20 inch (508 mm) barrels. In addition, accessories such as optical sights, a grenade launcher, M10 gasoline flamethrower and a bipod are integrated using a new system which allows for precision attachment. Pious also equips a liquid-nitrogen freeze ray pistol to hold the enemy in place, ready for arrest.
The Priest's plain cassock is a simple black cloak made of cotton. His war variants are made of leather and designed to be heavier, thicker and more durable to withstand the strain of combat. The cloak is usually left open like a trenchcoat to allow easier access to weapons and gadgets concealed within a utility belt. Insignias of the crucifix are also emblazoned in gold threads, across the back and sleeves. Other more casual outfits include his trademark black t-shirt and deep-red baseball cap. His two-piece blazer smart casual, and his formal black tuxedo with a red tie.After his escape from Crey Industries, the Priest was forced to change his patrol costume and ditch the iconic crucifix visor. Presumed dead by the Circle of Thorns and Satan's minions, the Priest walked free of masks, but that peace did not last long. Equipped with a new impervium plate mask, Pious sports a modern spandex design tailored by ICON, with built-in communication gagdets and reinforced armour, finished by a fearsome high-collar floor-length cape and a daunting inventory back strap.
Attributes | |||||||||||||
Statistic |
Fortitude |
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Stamina |
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Speed |
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Melee |
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Blasts |
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Support |
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Control |
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Pious was born from a mutant mother with an ability to rearrange her genetic and cellular makeup. However, he inherited this condition on a wider parameter and suffered side effects at birth when he duplicated himself twelve times. In addition to cellular duplication, Pious exhibited cellular regeneration, rebuilding his body cell by cell from all types of natural damage. The third and most unfortunate symptom of his mutation was tagged as cellular absorption by specialist doctors, where he could absorb the cellular or genetic makeup of any object or person and assume its shape and attributes. Last year, at the age of twenty-two, a Crey Industries research team lead by Lord Crow, Shattered Reflection, Neurocide, Dr Odin, Lab Bunnies, Ravenna Krone and Alicia Barzini kidnapped and experimented on the Priest. His genetic makeup was severely damaged in Alicia's desperate attempt to clone all his acquired abilities. Pious's mutant abilities were somehow removed, remaining only the skills learnt or absorbed.
Secondly, the Priest has demonstrated some magical prowess. Born to a demon father, his essence is innately tainted with the Netherworld and as such possesses access to black magic. However, he specifically avoids dark energy for fear of being consumed. Instead, he favours Bibliomancy, the method of employing sacred verses from holy books, usually for magical and spiritual warfare. He often uses anthroposophic spells to walk the spirit realm and has been known to banish demons using ceremonial magic. All the while, steering clear of divination, for Leviticus 19:26 forbids it.
In scales of power, young Pious Hunter is incredible for his mental abilities and mastery of the elements. The physical and psychological limitations on a human body prevents him from exceeding this level of power. For to push oneself over and beyond, into the borders of Unearthly or Godly power may take its toll and cause untold trauma. Pious is yet to use his full potential in a combat situation, preferring to unleash the energies only when necessary.
List of Acquired Skills
- For the sake of simplicity, Pious's doctors have labeled each of his unique genetic strands alphabetically. Coded onto genetic strand...
- Strand A (apparition) are psychic powers, able to push a heavy truck or shield off an impact from it, read someone's mind for thoughts or memories, dream visions of events past, occurring or yet to come, psionically cause people tense headaches, telepathically put thoughts into someone's mind, make them sense something that doesn't actually exist, make them not sense something that actually exists, or fly by telekinetically moving himself.
- Strand B (benumbing) is freezing. Able to make people feel really cold, form a slippery coat of ice around himself as armour or crystalize weapons.
- Strand C (clouds) is air pressurization, to blast lightening and force weather abnormalities enough to blow someone away or knock them over.
- Strand D (doctoring) is tissue regeneration, to heal rapidly from managable damage. Used when equipped with swords and knives.
- Strand E (evasive) is muscle mimicry, used to master karate. Speed and reflexes are quite remarkable in this form.
- Strand F (fossil) is fossilization, used to turn into humanoid stone, a granite armour so impenetrable it needs an army of people to hack it down.
- Strand G (grave) is umbral energy, an ability similar to that of a Warshade, with an explosion of dark matter enough to knock out a dozen men.
- Strand H (hydro) is hydrokinesis with an explosion of dihydrogen monoxide, as in water, enough to knock out a dozen men.
- Strand I (ice) is cryokinesis, able to freeze the atmosphere and cause localized blizzards enough to knock out a dozen men.
- Strand J (juiced) is muscle growth, capable of doubling muscle mass and size, granting about enough strength to lift a truck or survive bullets.
- Strand K (kinetic) is kinetic manipulation. Coupled with pyrokinesis, can avert the kinetic power of a dozen men and turn it against them.
- Strand L (loophole) is spacetime manipulation, able to trap a dozen men in temporal stasis or cut a hole in time and space via singularity.
- Strand M (mass) is density control, with near invulnerability at heavy density or phasing, levitation and increased agility at lightness.
- Strand N (nuclear) is induced radioactivity with an explosion of controlled radiation enough to weaken and knock out a dozen men.
- Strand O (oscillation) is vocal oscillation. Pious is able to emit loud sounds violent enough to knock a dozen men unconscious.
- Strand P (pulsar) is luminous energy, similar to that of a peacebringer, with an explosion of cosmic energy, enough to knock out a dozen men.
- Strand Q (question) is mind control. He is able to plant suggestions into the mind, strong enough to put a dozen men to sleep.
- Strand R (running) is super speed. Movement and especially footspeed is greatly accelerated. Capable of running up to 90 miles per hour, rivaling the speed of the world's fastest diving bird; the Peregrine falcon, or a high-speed train. Pious carries his explosives, handguns and rifles in combat.
- Strand S (scratch) is bone growth. The bones protrude from the wrist and can be used for slashing or cluberring.
- Strand T (torch) is pyrokinesis, an explosion of controlled heat energy, hot enough to singe and shock a dozen men into unconsciousness.
- Strand U (unearthing) is stone pressurization, capable of localised earthquakes strong enough to knock down a dozen men.
- Strand V (vehemency) is empathic healing, to emotionally lift a person's mood and performance. Pious wields a mystical bow and arrow for combat.
- Strand W (will) is telekinesis, Pious's most used power. With greater use of his mind, Pious has branched into psychic assault and flight.
- Strand X (xanthic) is super senses. See, hear, feel, smell and taste above standards. Pious wields a baseball bat and a wooden shield in combat.
- Strand Y (yakhdan) is ice sculpting, allowing moisture freezing and complete control of the ice, capable of encasing a dozen men.
- Strand Z (zygologic) is inventions, to fabricate pieces of technology as a solution to a problem. Pious wields a bow and trick arrows in combat.
Outside of his supernatural forms, the Priest answers to all his cleric duties - teaching, preaching and generally spreading the doctrine and practices of Christianity. He deals with life-cycle events such as childbirth, baptism, circumcision, coming of age ceremonies, marriage, and death. He also carries out works of faith outside the Church, healing in hospitals and nursing homes, counseling at schools and Universities or traveling the world on missionary work. However, the reverend is most notably a miracle worker and master of exorcisms.
Reverend Pious Hunter of the Anglican Catholic Church works mostly with the New Heroes Union and Art of War. As a young priest, his goal in life is to save people and prevent disaster. He is different to other iconic heroes because of his Christian nature; before he lays down judgment or punishment, he would see the good in people and encourage it. Pious was born from a mutant mother with an ability to rearrange her genetic structure. Something he inherited that has now left him with dozens of extraordinary skills, each a separate part of his genetic makeup. However, he was also born to a demon father and his essence is innately tainted with dark magic.
Evangel: Early Years of The Priest
Pious was born in March 1986 in London, England. Unknown to Pious, it was at the Kings College birth centre that he first displayed his mutant ability of cellular duplication. His twelve clones were somewhat disfigured. Some died, some were donated for scientific experiments but five of Pious's healthy clones followed him home, to become his brothers Axel, Jason, Jackson, Sinn and Dante. In 1996, the six brothers were sent to live in New York with their Christian grandparents who then raised them for six years in the Barbican Estate. Pious lived next door to Rachel Grey for a year before moving again to Paragon City. In January 2000, at the age of 14, Pious, birth name Micheal, accidentally absorbed his grandfather's psychic abilities, causing his death. The overwhelming power drove the teenager insane and was later admitted to a Mental Asylum. He entered a three-year long coma, during which his father, Noktil the fallen angel, came to visit. In January 2003, at the age of 17, Pious emerges from his coma and schools to become a Priest. Two years later he obtains a hero license under the secret identity of Evangel and becomes a reserve member of the citizen's the Militia. In May 2007, Altair Stevens gives her life to Christ, encouraged by Reverend Pious Hunter. She later became his sidekick but was murdered six months later. During the Second Rikti War, Pious's clone brothers and his sister-in-law, Pistol, were killed. He was accredited for her death after being charged to arrest her. Returning from this mission, contact with Kheldian energy reactivated and expanded Pious's cellular abilities. Empowered, Pious shed his old identity and became the Priest.
Priest: Adventures of Pious Hunter
See Priest: Book 1 - Origin of Damsel, a new mutant arrives on the scene and spells some romantic interest in Pious' life. Occurs in November 2007.
See Priest: Book 2 - Rise of the Gang, Militia heroes try to arrest Pistol on suspicion of having murdered Pious! Occurs in January 2009.
See Priest: Book 3 - Battle of the Clones, Pious wakes up from a six-month-long coma to find a familiar face threatening to take his life. Occurs in February 2009.
See Priest: Book 4 - Art of War, Pious joins the Art of War as a specialist against Arachnos's new agent Pistol. Occurs in May 2009.
See Priest: Book 5 - New World Alliance, Pious investigates a group of villains but plays into the hands of three deadly assassins! Occurs in June 2009.