Triumph Search and Rescue (Triumph Supergroup)
Triumph Search and Rescue is a Search and Rescue Squad in Paragon City. It members are dedicated to creating a safer city. The motto of the group is TSAR- Heroes Helping Heroes. Most of the Supergroup members have a support ablity. Most are able to teleport heroes throughout the city as well as heal others. Some members such has the Human Flame Man and Rocky Crumble, both Tankers, and dedicated their lives to helping others weather that be taking a hit for younger heroes as they take down their targets to providing answers to everyday questions from heroes across the city.
There were two founding members, Azerial and EnergyHealer. Little is currently known on why and how TSAR came to be, however, EnergyHealer stated that both wanted to create a SG like TSAR so they did. June 1, 2006 is the first date that TSAR had its first membership meetings. Some of these members included, Azerial, EnergyHealer, Heal Bot, Distress Damsel, Office Manager, Sister Leothra and a few others. These will become the foundation of the Supergroup for many months.
Ranking System
Triumph Search and Rescue does not promote people on Activity levels or Prestige earned. TSAR Promotes its members on seniority and how much help you contribute to the Server. The group is based on Seniority in the form of being a member of the SG not how long you played the game. This is because the longer you were in the Supergroup the more you knew about how to go on patrol and how to act. TSAR's requires members to go on patrol periodically, the more a person goes on patrol, the likely hood of being promoted increases.
Chief- The Chief is the Leader of Triumph Search and Rescue. This member works in collaboration with the Deputies and Captians to help make TSAR a better SG for itself and for others.
Deputy Chief- This is the Second in Command of the Supergroup. He or she is involed in helping make TSAR a better Supergroup for all.
Captain- This rank is the last of the Leadership ranks in TSAR. A Captain's main job is to help the Chief and Deputy Chief do there job. Captains are responsible for the recruitment area of the Supergroup.
Dispatcher- This rank is the middle rank of the Supergroup. There are more Dispatchers then Captains, however, there are not many. Dispatchers are in charge of two things. (1) Watching the Help channels and organizing members of TSAR to help others. (2) The Promotions of Probationaries to Search and Rescue Technians.
Search and Rescue Technicians (SAR Tech)- These are regular members of TSAR. The only job they are tasked to do is to help others. Superb members may be promoted to Dispatcher for outstanding jobs.
Probationary- This rank is for new members of TSAR. Each one will be assigned a "SAR Buddy". This person is to teach them how to go on patrol and other rules while on patrol. To be promoted, a Dispatcher or up must watch the SAR Tech Patrol, if he or she does a good job, they will be promoted to SAR Tech.
The Rules
1. Do not take money for the services.
2. Treat others like you would want to be treated! AKA Be nice.
3. Go on patrol at least every 15 days for 15 minutes or more.
1. You may keep more than one charater in the Supergroup
2. TSAR has a uniform, members do not have to wear it but it is suggested.
Supergroup History
Triumph Search and Rescue started operations after its first membership meeting June 1, 2006. Shortly after its first members went out helping others. Soon the TSAR ranks filled with many new faces. TSAR would gain great notoriety in the popular hazard Zone of Paragon, the Hollows. Many heroes without travel powers relied on TSAR to teleport them to safely. TSAR made The Hollows a better place for an adventurous hero.
New Management
During August of 2006, one of the founders and Chief of TSAR, Azerial, left for New Oreleans, she was bound to help the survivors of the Hurricane Katrina. The Supergroup was left leaderless for a short time until Office Manager, as the most active founder member, took over as acting Chief until Azerial got back.
The First Exodus and the Last Class
Later in the month, Villians poured from the Islands, the Rogue Islands. Many members fell to the swarms of Villians. There were very few members left after the onslaught subsided. They deemed themselves the Last Class because the members left over were the last class of Heroes to be promoted from the training program by the founders. Members include Sister Leothra, Jeanzilla, and Specta Phantom
The First Resurgence
During the Spring of 2007, the founder EnergyHealer returned from his vacation. He took the helm of the Supergroup as Chief since he helped create the Supergroup. He would soon realize that the Supergroup was terribly inactive. He asked a few of the remaining members mentioned above whether or not they want to disband or reform. Many wanted to reform the Supergroup and try and give it a jump start. EnergyHealer decided that it was a good idea and reformed the Supergroup promoting those who were still around.
The Second Exodus
The Supergroup was dealt another blow when Heroes level 5 and up recived police radios to help them arrest evil doers. Many heroes took this route to increase their security level instead of going to the Hollows, TSAR's main patrol zone. Also, for there troubles, Heroes were given Jetpacks and Jump packs. These two things dealt a real blow to TSAR, leaving them struggling to find work.
Finally, TSAR members started to head to do different things in there lives, creating families and going back to school, this would ultimately lead to the reformation failure. Some members would don their Uniforms and go fight crime for a small bit of time, however, a majority left the game forever.
The Second Resurgence
During December 2009, a Last Class and Reformation member, Specta Phantom came back and saw how inactive the Supergroup was and with a greater knowledge and experience, he decided to overhaul the Supergroup again. Specta Phantom restructured the Supergroup base and reinstated the old rules. This is where the History ends.