Fiend Girl (Union)

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Fiend Girl Smoke.jpeg
Fiend Girl
Player: @Corlagon
Server: Union
Origin: Originicon magic.png Magic
Archetype: V archetypeicon dominator.png Dominator
Threat Level: Align Status Villain.png 19
Emblem Eye 01.png The Cuckoo's Nest
Personal Data
Real Name: Sonia Melendez
Known Aliases: Sonia Aracelis Meléndez Quiñones (birth name)
Age: 23
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Etoile Islands (naturalized)
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Birth: Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico
Base of Operations: Cap au Diable, Etoile Islands
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Relatives: Joshua Melendez (father, deceased), Benita Melendez (mother, deceased)
Known Powers
Fire control, thorn attacks, flight
Known Abilities
No additional information available.

Fiend Girl is a Villainous Dominator on Union (to become a Rogue). Her Power Sets are Fire Control and Thorny Assault.

Spoiled by her wealthy and career-focused parents, she acquired demonic powers and now works as a mercenary to finance her lifestyle.

Mission Architect stories

Character History

Born on 1989-08-18, Sonia Aracelis Meléndez Quiñones was still a child when her parents founded Melendez Nautics and, following a deal with infernal forces, moved to Paragon City and became successful. Sonia grew up in luxury around hired tutors and other employees.

In spring 2007, her parents decided it was time for job training and made her an intern at Melendez Nautics. Sonia would lose this boring job in July when thirteen years after the deal had been made the demons took over her parents' bodies and company. Now without a source of income, and impressed with the Heroes she met during the incident, Sonia summoned another demon and merged with him, then surprised him by displaying enough willpower to force him out of their new half-demon body, instead of the other way round. Intending to become a superpowered Hero herself and live off the funds, she randomly picked the name "Fiend Girl" and would be mentored by veteran crimefighter Ms. Ge.

By September, Fiend Girl had realized that heroism was not as fun as she had expected; of course, this was partly due to her appearance, which gave many people the impression she was an actual demon/Villain. She then met Ms. Ge's archenemy Mental Strike, a Villain from the Rogue Isles trying to win her mentor's heart. Becoming fascinated with his carefree way of life, Fiend Girl in turn developed a crush on him and switched sides. However, it soon became clear that Mental Strike was still only interested in having Ms. Ge at his side and Fiend Girl could not help him with this, forcing her to go her own way and become a mercenary. It was not until then that she slowly discovered how to shapeshift, first growing wings and eventually becoming able to revert to a human form.

A few months later, she was unexpectedly given the opportunity to become wealthy again. A major con artist had successfully escaped with his fortune to the Rogue Isles and fell in love with her. When he was killed by a Villain he had apparently insulted, Fiend Girl inherited his massive wealth. She then disappeared into a life of luxury again and virtually stopped using her powers unless for self-protection.

However, by early 2012, Sonia had to realize that she spent much more money than she earned, and eventually resumed her mercenary career as Fiend Girl. In early July, she agreed to go to a mental hospital to be cured of her addiction to luxury, but The Cuckoo's Nest was actually a villainous supergroup in disguise and instead encouraged her to be evil.
