Thor Odinson (Zukunft)

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Thor Odinson.PNG
Thor Odinson
Player: @Torben87

Originicon magic.png Magic


Archetypeicon tanker.png Tanker

Security Level:


Super Group:

the Fire Fighters

Personal Data
Real Name:

Thor Odinson

Known Aliases:

Thor, Donar, Thunderer


Asgardian/Elder God

Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Biographical Data


  • Norse God of Thunder
Place of Birth:

A cave in Norway

Base of Operations:

Paragon City, Rhode Island

Marital Status:

In a relationship

Known Relatives:
  • Odin (father)
  • Jord/Gaea/Dannan (mother)
  • Frigga (step-mother)
  • Sif (girlfriend)
  • Thrud (daughter)
  • Loki (adoptive-brother)
  • Balder (half-brother)
  • Tyr (half-brother)
  • Hermod (half-brother)
  • Vidar (half-brother)
  • Frey (half-brother)
  • Freya (half-sister)
  • Sigyn (former sister-in-law)
  • Vili (uncle)
  • Ve (uncle)
  • Bor (grandfather)
  • Bestla (grandmother)
  • Buri (great-grandfather)
Additional Data
Known Powers:
  • Invulnerability
  • War Mace
Known Abilities:
  • Flight
Known Equipment:
  • The Warhammer "Mjolnir"
[ Source ]

The God of Thunder

Thor is the son of Odin, the Allfather of Asgard, and Jord (aka Gaea or Dannan), the goddess of Earth. Deriving his powers from Asgard and Earth aswell, he is stronger than any other Asgardian God or usual Human.

In ancient times he was worshipped by the Vikings, Germans and Scandinavians as the god of thunder, rain, fertility and the protector of the Earth and mankind.

After he noticed that some of his worshippers were slaughtering Christians in his name, he turned away from Earth and returned to the dimension of Asgard again.

Thor's Hammer

Thor is armed with the warhammer Mjolnir. It was forged by dwarves and can crush almost any material. Mjolnir is spiritually bound to Thor and allows him to fly and to control the weather.

Thor and Loki

After Odin slayed the frost giant Farbauti, he adopted his son Loki and raised him alongside Thor. Loki always was jealous of Thor for being the boyfriend of Sif and even more for becoming Asgard's greatest warrior. Over the years Loki's hate for Thor finally let them become archenemies.

The Nibelungs

Odin once sent Thor to Earth as the mortal Germanic hero Siegfried. With having no memories about his true identity he played a part in Odin's plan to get back the powerful Ring of the Nibelungs.

As Siegfried he fell in love with the Valkyrie Brunnhilda, who also lived a mortal life on Earth at that time with no memories about her real identity. Some time after Siegfried got the ring by defeating the dragon Fafnir, he was murdered by Hagen, the son of the dwarf who created it. Brunnhilda took revenge on Hagen for killing Siegfried and afterwards burned the corpse of him and herself on a boat.

Odin then resurrected both of them as Aesir again, giving them back the memories of their true identities, but also wiping out the memories of their mortal lifes at the same time.

Modern Times

Lately, with many threats for the Earth and mankind appearing, like the Devouring Earth, the Rikti, the Banished Pantheon, the Council and numerous super-villains, he drew his attention towards Earth again. This led to Thor choosing a human to become his champion, the Mighty Thunderman, and finally the return of himself to Earth.


Thor is a courageous, fearless and compassionate warrior, who believes in liberty, justice and truth. His friends and comrades can always rely on him when they need his help. He cares alot about the humans, what often causes a lack of understanding among his own people.

Powers and Abilities


  • Resist Physical Damage
  • Resist Elements
  • Unyielding

War Mace:

  • Bash
  • Pulverize
  • Jawbreaker
  • Taunt


  • Hover
  • Fly


  • Apprentice Charm


  • Gauntlet


Original Outfit with cape


Thor Odinson is based on the deity Thor from Norse Mythology and the Marvel character Thor, who is based on the deity aswell.

Thor living a life as Siegfried from the saga "The Ring of the Nibelungs" is based on the background story of the Thor from Marvel Comics, who experienced the same.