Thor Odinson (Zukunft)
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Thor Odinson | |
Player: @Torben87 | |
Origin: | |
Archetype: | |
Security Level: |
31 |
Super Group: |
the Fire Fighters |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: |
Thor Odinson |
Known Aliases: |
Thor, Donar, Thunderer |
Species: |
Asgardian/Elder God |
Eye Color: |
Blue |
Hair Color: |
Blond |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: |
Asgardian |
Occupation: |
Place of Birth: |
A cave in Norway |
Base of Operations: |
Paragon City, Rhode Island |
Marital Status: |
In a relationship |
Known Relatives: |
Additional Data | |
Known Powers: | |
Known Equipment: |
[ Source ] |
The God of Thunder
Thor is the son of Odin, the Allfather of Asgard, and Jord (aka Gaea or Dannan), the goddess of Earth. Deriving his powers from Asgard and Earth aswell, he is stronger than any other Asgardian God or usual Human.
In ancient times he was worshipped by the Vikings, Germans and Scandinavians as the god of thunder, rain, fertility and the protector of the Earth and mankind.
After he noticed that some of his worshippers were slaughtering Christians in his name, he turned away from Earth and returned to the dimension of Asgard again.
Thor's Hammer
Thor is armed with the warhammer Mjolnir. It was forged by dwarves and can crush almost any material. Mjolnir is spiritually bound to Thor and allows him to fly and to control the weather.
Thor and Loki
After Odin slayed the frost giant Farbauti, he adopted his son Loki and raised him alongside Thor. Loki has always been jealous of Thor for being the boyfriend of Sif and even more for becoming Asgard's greatest warrior. Over the years Loki's hate for Thor finally let them become archenemies.
The Thunderer Returns
Lately, with many threats for the Earth and mankind appearing, like the Devouring Earth, the Rikti, the Banished Pantheon, the Council and numerous super-villains, he drew his attention towards Earth again. This led to Thor choosing a human to become his champion, the Mighty Thunderman, and finally the return of himself to Earth.
The Hollows
Julius the Kind Hearted Troll
Julius is a strange one. Willing to turn against his own in order to protect the innocent and the pure. His words may be simple, but his intentions are deep. Whether it was sending Thor after some Trolls attempting to block the Red River dam, taking out some Igneous or going after human slave trafficking, Julius wants what's best for his world.
'I want see nature restored,' he told Thor.
What bothered Thor though is that he knew something else was going on in that last cave where he rescued the slaves from. Thor didn't feel right the whole time he was in there and after that he started to have some very strange dreams.
Source: "Julius the Kind Hearted Troll" Story Arc from Julius the Troll
The Heart of the Hollows
It began when the wise mystic, Talshak, divined the location of the Trolls leader's den. The mighty Troll, Atta, was said to be behind all the havoc that the Superadine-crazed gangsters wreaked on The Hollows. Perhaps he would know the whereabouts of Sam Wincott, the young man who went missing long ago. Thor battled through Atta's lair and defeated him, but Sam Wincott was not to be found. He learned that the Circle of Thorns had taken the boy from the Trolls.
Fortunately, the Trolls were willing to tip Thor offto the Circle's hideout. He journeyed there, and found himself embroiled in a mighty battle between the Circle's mystics and the strange minions of Igneous. He defeated the villains, but learned that he had once again missed Sam Wincott. A group of Magmites had spirited him away, but not before the Circle could use Sam's inherent magical abilities to locate the Cavern of Transcendence.
Source: "The Heart of the Hollows" Story Arc from Talshak the Mystic
Midnight Hour
The Dirge of Chaos
Mercedes Sheldon of the Midnight Squad sent Thor to check out a Troll Rave in Skyway City that was crashed by the Freakshow. When he arrived the place was overrun by freaks brawling with the trolls and holding a handful of ravers hostage. Thor beat down the freaks, rescued the hostages, and questioned everyone involved.
He discovered that the Freakshow were working with a punk show organizer from Talos Island named Amanda Gates, and in her possession was a magic cassette player that apparently drove people into a rage.
Ms. Sheldon informed Thor that her suspicions had been confirmed. The magic cassette player was infact an artifact that was stolen from her called the Dirge of Chaos. She explained that it needed to be recovered before more damage was done.
Thor hit the streets and questioned the Freakshow on Talos Island about Amanda Gates' whereabouts. He learned that she was holed up in a Freakshow hideout run by a freak named Killdozer.
Busting into the hideout Thor found that he was too late to catch Amanda, but he discovered enough clues to realize that she was taking the Dirge of Chaos to WNRK 'Anarchy' Radio and planned to broadcast the music to all of Paragon City.
Without a moment to lose, Thor raced over to WNRK 'Anarchy' Radio, battled through the Freakshow, and ultimately defeated the Dirge of Chaos and it's daemonic minions, taking Amanda Gates into custody.
With the Dirge of Chaos safely back in the hands of Mercedes Sheldon and the Midnight Squad Thor realized just how close Paragon City came to annihilation. But thanks to his efforts, the city was saved.
Source: "The Dirge of Chaos" Story Arc from Mercedes Sheldon
The Magic Man
Amanda Gates ratted out her accomplice, the Magic Man, so Thor went over to Independence Port to question the Tsoo, figuring the Magic Man must be one of their leaders. As it turned out, the Tsoo were clueless, so he went after one of their leaders, a man by the name of Black Dragon. Thor infiltrated Black Dragon's illegal superadine shipping operation and forced him to tell him everything he knew about the Magic Man. According to him, the Magic Man was in the Family and worked for a man known as Jimmy the Preacher.
Thor went over to Jimmy the Preacher's office to ask him some questions. After busting through Jimmy's buttonmen he made him talk. He told Thor that the Magic Man used to just be a buttonman named Mickey Maloney until he started taking down the Tsoo like they were nothing. Jimmy promoted him and that's how he earned the nickname of the Magic Man.
Thor checked out the cargo ship that Jimmy the Preacher told him the Magic Man was headed to and walked into a gang war between the Family and the Tsoo. The ship was rigged with bombs, which he quickly disarmed, and then he took down the Family members to question them about where the Magic Man had gone.
Big Tony, the next highest guy in the Family pecking order, revealed that the Magic Man went over to a warehouse on Talos Island. He also told Thor about the Magic Man's ability to disappear. This was all the information Mercedes Sheldon needed in order to determine that the Magic Man had an artifact of hers called The Devil's Timepiece.
Thor snuck into the warehouse that the Magic Man had taken refuge inside only to find it crawling with Warriors. Thor fought through the Warriors and confronted the Magic Man, but soon realized the power of the Devil's Timepiece. No matter how many times he knocked the Magic Man down he kept coming back.
Ultimately the Magic Man defeated himself by going back in time to the same moment numerous times to create duplicates of himself. This caused a temporal paradox and rendered the magic of the Devil's Timepiece inert. Thor took down the Magic Man and recovered the artifact for Mercedes Sheldon. Thor's efforts saved many, but the most important thing he saved was the soul of Mickey Maloney.
Source: "The Magic Man" Story Arc from Mercedes Sheldon
Crown of Glory
Mercedes Sheldon suspected that the Warriors had more to do with her missing artifacts than met the eye. She sent Thor to bust up a Warriors hideout and get some answers. Inside the hideout Thor confronted Menelaus, one of Odysseus's generals, and learned from him that a civil war was brewing in the ranks of the Warriors. Mercedes suspected that the Crown of Glory must be responsible.
After Thor busted up the Warriors in their hideout, Mercedes received a strange phone call from the leader of the Warriors himself, Odysseus. He told Mercedes that a warrior by the name of Hector had the crown and was leading a renegade group of warriors against him. They agreed that stopping Hector was in the best interest of all parties, and so Thor was sent to a cave on Talos Island to take out an assembly of Hector's generals. From the generals he learned the location of Hector's base.
He took the fight straight into Hector's teeth, attacking his base on an anchored cargo ship off the coast of Talos Island. But Hector was expecting him and Thor was met with fierce resistance. He smashed through his guards and finally confronted Hector and the remainder of his generals. After a fierce battle Thor had defeated Hector and recovered the Crown of Glory, but then he was betrayed.
Odysseus wanted the crown for himself, and so sent Menelaus, Achilles, and Diomedes to take it from Thor once he had defeated Hector for them. Utlimately, even these warriors were no match for Thor and he emerged from the cargo ship with the crown in hand.
Source: "Crown of Glory" Story Arc from Mercedes Sheldon
The Forest of Dread
Piercing the Veil
The War of the Fir Bolg
Hatred's Hungry Heart
Thor is a courageous, fearless and compassionate warrior, who believes in liberty, justice and truth. His friends and comrades can always rely on him when they need his help. He cares alot about the humans, what often causes a lack of understanding among his own people.
Powers and Abilities
Primary Power Set
Secondary Power Set
Power Pools
Other Powers
Hero Alignment Badges
Day Jobs
Cimeroran (not yet)
Portal Corporation Intern (not yet)
Day Job Accolades
Time Lord (not yet)
Scientist (not yet)
Thor Odinson is based on the deity Thor from Norse Mythology and his "Original Outfit" is based on the look of the Marvel character Thor, who is based on the deity aswell.