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Revision as of 18:41, 20 October 2011 by Thirty7 (Talk | contribs) (Level 50s)

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Player Information
Globalchat.png This user's global chat handle is @Thirty-Seven.
45px This user is Tried and True.
V badge TimeSpentBadge.png This user's time zone is Eastern.

CoH Game Icon.png This user plays City of Heroes on the Infinity server.
CoV Game Icon.png This user plays City of Villains on the Justice server.
CoX Game Icon.png This user plays both City of Heroes and Villains on the Guardian server.
Align Status Rogue.png This user's main character is a Rogue.
Archetypeicon controller.png This user's main character is a Controller.

If you'd like to know more about me, visit my userpage over at the ParagonWiki.


I want to use this page to talk about my process in creating each of my characters. How did they come to be, why do I like them or dislike them, and what if any changes have they gone through since initial thought or first creation? From the list that follows, any characters who have their own Ouro Page will be linked. In contrast, those pages will focus specifically on the character as it exists in-game. What motivates him, and how does he fit into the greater City of Heroes universe.

Each server on which I have characters will get its own section, and characters will be further broken down on that server between my Level 50s and my non-50s. Eventually, I will add information cards created to go alongside each of the little snippets below to give some details about their in-game existence, and then a page will be created to detail them more fully.


On Infinity, I only play Heroes and maintain an SG there called The Strands of Fate. All of my characters on Infinity are a part of that SG, and I am the active Super Leader of that group. Infinity had been my main server since I started playing City of Heroes around the release of Issue 10. It wasn't until recently that I essentially switched focus from considering Infinity as my home, to considering Justice as my home. Mainly, this was due to my liking of Villains more than heroes, and the ability concept-wise, of my hero to tranision to being a Rogue without much issue.

Level 50s

  • Lost Emissary
Lost Emissary was my second 50, and the first character I played in tandem with my significant other. I discovered by playing him, that if I am going to play a Defender, I really enjoy when its powers are enemy-focused (i.e. Debuffs) more so than when they are teammmate-focused. So, it is fortuitous that Lost is a Dark/Dark/Dark Defender.
After reaching 50, my significant other's character fell to the wayside, and that gave me the opportunity to re-invent Lost's bio. He went from a scientist working against the Family and the Marcone family in particuallarly, into a somewhat amoral scientist who meddled with inter-dimensional travel and crossed into an alternate reality. When he got back, he found he had little to no memory of either world.
  • Truepath
Ahhh, Truepath. He was born as a vigilante cop out to take down the man who killed his family... cliché to the max, I know. And he is an MA/Regen Scrapper... which I found out around Level 30, is not really my cup o' tea. Compound this with the fact that I got bored with the character concept. It took years for him to hit 50. And, now that he has, he was given a name change (from Jon Zander), and a complete biographical overhaul. He is now an honor-bound Native American using his somewhat unwanted mystic gifts to fight crime on behalf of the Great Spirit who bestowed his "path" upon him.

Level 1 - 49s

  • 75646 00083
Taking the immensely creative name from the numbers found on the Bar Code chest detail, Eighty-Three is another robot in my stable of characters. It was created by Mantis Engine, and is a Traps/Psi Defender. Mostly I thought that having un underused damage type, and a debuff Defender set would assure that I enjoy him. And, while I played him, I liked him quite a bit. Unfortunately, I believe he will be one that sits around for a good while collecting dust. Eighty-Three formerly was going to be named according to the Morse Code for the word "barcode" taking the form of a lowercase L for bars and a lowercase I for dots, resulting in something like "iiillliliilli," or some similarly impossible to type name. It looked cool, but in practice, was untenable.
  • Chrysophract
  • Dr. Sikuliaq
  • Duneshadow
  • Fulgent
  • Geocore
Geocore has gone through a lot. Grant Houser, has been named a few too many things as well. I believe he began life as a Mace/Stone Tanker named Palissade. That didn't last too long. He re-started life as Palissade a Shield/Stone Tanker. And now, he has been re-born yet again as a Shield/Stone Tanker with the name Geocore. As Geocore, Grant is an every-man type of character. A guy who made his own costume to fight crime and uses his mutant powers for good. I especially like about him the fact that his costume is totally feasible and made from bits like goggles and some belts that could be found most anywhere. I also like that his burly size is just this side of normal... and matches his past as a mechanic oh-so-well.
  • Helix Black 3-7
I absolutely adore this character. He is a TA/Sonic Defender, and I think he has cemented the idea that I really do like Debuff sets. I like how little Endurance he uses, how he looks, his past and I love that I don't have to mess around with toggles, and teammate focused powers. He is all about turnging the enemies into paperthin cutouts of something that used to be intimidating. Helix is an ex-Malta member who moved on into heroing, but keeps his old designation out of habit. He is in the mid 20s and moving through the First Ward arcs with my significant other's Tanker.
  • Mantis Engine
After hearing for a long time just how glorious an Ill/Rad can be, I finally convinced myself to make one. He is a robot created to fight crime on behalf of his inventor. Mantis sits at somewhere around 24 due to my attention being split across far too many characters. Illusion seems to be a great set, and I really love his look and bio. Not to mention the fact that I created a "cousin" robot who was created by Mantis Engine itself to also fight crime.
  • Mender Cocytus
  • Rootvine
  • Slashblot
  • Soulforged
  • Spiritglass
Aarik Targreve, otherwise known as Spiritglass, was the first character I made who resides in a parallel Earth called Ærth. His world is one in which magic and sorcery developed instead of technology, and where we use physics chemsitry and engines, they would use mysticism, alchemy and magical artifacts. There are a few other characters in my stable that hail from the same location, and are in fact directly interrelated to Aarik. In his world, another key detail is that America is called not the United States, but the Vesprian Union (taking Amerigo Vespucci's surname instead of his first name to name the continent).
  • Whiptech
Whiptech almost became my first Petless Mastermind. But, I felt that such an endeavor might overly gimp my character, so instead of being Whip/TA he is a proper Demons/TA MM who plays his Demons as though they were all powerful illusions generated by holographic imagers. In fact, I will take advantage of the fact that the I and L are mostly idistinguishable when used together to name all of his pets Illusion.


On Justice, I only play Villains and help to maintain a VG there called The Legends of Fate. All of my characters on Justice are a part of that VG, and I am in close contact with the active Super Leader of that group. I began playing on Justice after moving our VG there from Guardian, which seemed just a bit too slow on red-side for our tastes. After Hanging out on Justice for a good while and getting involved in some of the global channels, it became clear that Justice was going to be my new home server and that Infinity would begin to play second fiddle. As such, I payed to have my main badging character move to Justice where he was able to team with my significant other's main badging character, Agent Inhakos (who happened to be the Super Leader of the VG).

Level 50s

This character was the first character I ever created for City of Heroes. When I started the CoH Bootleg trial from the disc I got for free from a GameStop, I tried to create a character who was telekinetic. Essentially, I was trying to make the character I would want to be if I had super powers. And so, I stumbled upon Gravity Control and sorta settled on Force Fields. I had originally created this character a few years earlier as a tentative concept for a Hero System RP Group that never really got started, and there, he was called Wildefire. So, I eventually had to settle on the name Wylde-Fire because so many other versions were taken. However, I grew to like the name quite a lot.
Wylde survived innumerable costume changes and minor adjustments to his bio. He underwent countless respecs as well as I learned about the game and what the true purpose of a Controller was. Also, with him being my oldest character also was the one on which I had begun to earn all of my badges, and he became the first character I got to 50... in something like nine months of playing him.
Later, once my main server began to switch from Infinity to Justice, I realized that Wylde was going to get left in the dust, and I was too attached to him to let that happen. As such, I moved him to Justice, turned him into a Rogue, and he came to be called Pointsphere (due to the bubbles and a bit of inspiration from the Zero Point Energy gauntlets used by Syndrome in the Incredibles.
  • Schwarzpunkt

Level 1 - 49s

  • Agent Vermillian
  • Corridor
  • Bloodspore
  • Decimal
  • Dusklight
  • Geistlos
  • Lockhide
Lockhide began life with the thought of his name and the introduction of Praetoria. I thought of the idea that the skin (hide) of a character is just a veneer that rests over a core of pure energy. As such, the hide locked the power within. And so Lockhide was born as an Elec/Psi Dominator. Lockhide was a through and through Loyalist all but blinded by the fact that he was caught in a Resistance attack when he was young.
Unrelatedly, I designed a costume for a character who was to be a cross between a Mu Mystic and a Praetorian Seer, and I so liked the costume and idea, that I wanted to use it for a character of mine, but didn't really want to make a new character. Later I logged into Lockhide to fix some menus or whatnot and realized that a Mu and a Seer could very well produce an Elec/Psi Dom... it was almost too perfect. And so, Lockhide became a flunked out Seer who had an ancient tie to the Mu Bloodline and was still (literally) blindly fanatical about Emperor Cole and the Empire itself.
  • Mulcibre
Mulcibre is part of a shelved Carnie duo with my significant other. Mulcibre is a fire-eater and uses the zombie face to simulate burns. I like the character's look, concept and powers, but he hasn't seen very much play. Also, contrary to a lot of my duos, I really like the character with which he is playing as well.
  • Ophidius Rex
Ophidius Rex began as a sort of re-imagining of Cobra Commander. He was a Mercs/Posion and I just never got into him at all. Later, he was shelved and collected dust for a long time. Then, Issue 21 rolled in and I decided he should be re-born as a Robotics/Sonic MM. And, as such, I am liking him a bit more. Also, he has been manipulated from a Cobra Commander-type character into one closer to a Dr. Mindbender mad scientist. One who has experimented on himself a good deal and has robotic parts, reptillian skin, and very likely the new brain-in-a-jar head.
  • Rustblight
Rustblight is a character that was created for the specific purpose of making use of the rusted katana customization option. And so, my Rust Eidolon was born, a willing volunteer to join Dr. Vahzilok's twisted minions. Why would he be willing? Because his wife had been killed in Kings Row by the Vahzilok and he wanted to be able to kill the good Doctor with powers that were given to him by the Doctor himself. Irony runs a bit high with this dude.
Also, I love his bio in-game, it is written as if it were a chunk of a newspaper article about the attack in which his wife was killed, and it is smeared with blood. I find it to be an excellent hook when I can create a bio that is NOT just another boring biography page.
  • Skull-Force
  • Svyx Qordlin
  • Twostripe


On Guardian I play both Heroes and Villains. At one time, I used Guardian as the base for the now defunct VG, The Tendrils of Fate. But, as mentioned above, it became clear to me that red-side was no where near as active on Guardian as it was blue-side. I loved the community of folks there, but it seemed just too hard, sometimes, to get together the activities I wanted to do. And so it was that the VG was dumped, and we re-located to Justice during one of the periods where Paragon Studios was offering free server transfers.

Now, Guardian has been re-purposed as the RP server for me and my group of in-game friends. We have made several themed RP teams and related SGs and VGs on Guardian, and play over there a fair amount. But, it is by no means a "home" server in the same way that Justice and Infinity are. Also, it has become a sort of graveyard for unplayed 50s who are then used to create the various SG/VGs for the RP characters to play in.

Level 50s

Level 1 - 49s

  • Ariath'el
  • Araxes
  • Operative Bulwark
  • Sangarios
  • Vergiz


I have but one lonely character on Exalted, who is a member of a themed Time Manipulation RPSG. This one, like the ones on Guardian was created specifically for my in-game friends. I doubt that I will voluntarily make anymore characters here... but, it is always a possibility.

Levels 1 - 49

  • Archon Pfahler