This article contains information pertaining to content created through the use of the Mission Architect. This information is considered non-canonical.
Part One: The Priest
Medium size map, level range 15-40. Contains Boss, Patrol, Release Captive, Ally.
 Gregor Richardson
Good day, $name. We have reports that the Circle of Thorns has abducted a man who presumably belongs to a rival cult. Since you aren't busy right now, can you intervene before anything happens?
Save the priest
 Gregor Richardson
The victim appears to be a Murray Gene Johnston, a priest of Abraleze, a goddess we are not familiar with. I'll give you the location of where the group was last seen.
Save the priest
 Gregor Richardson
There haven't been any further sightings of the priest and the cultists. Have you checked the last location for a hidden cave entrance?
There is in fact an ominous cult in this cave, but apparently one you have not met yet.
- Find an ally
- Find Father Johnston
Cult of Ecevlex
Notable NPCs
Cult of Ecevlex 1: This city stinks of infidels.
Cult of Ecevlex 2: No surprise that insolent goddess is hiding here, then.
Before combat:
Cult of Ecevlex: Nobody insults the Master and gets away with it. You think you are his equal, but you are not.
Divine: I have no idea what you're talking about, but I won't let you hurt an innocent person.
Combat start:
Cult of Ecevlex: So you brought more of your followers. They will suffer the same fate if you do not surrender.
Divine: Hello …?
Once free: $name, right? MAGI sent you? I felt that an innocent man has been brought here, so I came.
Defeats an enemy: Nobody escapes the wrath of Ecevlex.
If lost: $name? Where are you going?
If refound: Let's try and stick together. I dealt with cults before, but even so, these people are eerie.
50% Health: I'm not sure if I overestimated myself again or their spells are especially effective against me …
Defeated: Ouch! … I have to withdraw, but please continue and prevent these madmen from doing harm.
High Priest Ohosriz dialogue [show]
Before combat: We must prepare ourselves. The Master will be enraged if we fail him in a matter like this.
Combat start: These must be the famous heroes of this city. Let us show that we are a match for them.
Takes damage: Is this Abraleze herself? We did not expect you this early.
Attempt to escape: We were unprepared, but we will not make this mistake again!
Father Johnston dialogue [show]
Before combat:
Cult of Ecevlex: You picked the wrong deity to serve. Renounce her, or face the consequences.
Father Johnston: I'd rather die for a heroine than serve a god who harms innocents.
Combat start:
Cult of Ecevlex: Infidels!
Father Johnston: My lady? This is a trap!
Upon rescue: Thank you very much. Their god seems to bear a grudge against Lady Abraleze.
Father Johnston's report
"I was one of the last priests of Abraleze. Divine seems to be her successor, so I think I'm a priest of hers now. Unfortunately, Abraleze must have had insulted this Ecevlex, who is now chasing Divine as a result."
 Gregor Richardson
Hm. So Divine received her divinity from a minor goddess named Abraleze, who had somehow offended a slightly more powerful god named Ecevlex, who subsequently set his followers on Divine. Looks like we'll have to work with the priest to find a way to protect her.