Dr. Jericho Zalen (Triumph)
(Please note that while I am contributing this page to the Portal, it's not actually my own character: it's a project that my friend asked me to work on. --Epelesker 16:41, 28 March 2010 (UTC))
[hide]Current Information and In-Game Contact
Dr. Jericho Zalen is an active character in City of Heroes, located in the Triumph server. He may be contacted by the global handle @Shatter1.
Jericho Zalen is a respected scientest and professor who specializes in the field of human bioelectrics. Desparate for a breakthrough in his field of study, he gathered the brighest minds that he knew and trusted the most: among the participants were Doctors Logan Wraith, Arthur Blacksky, Eric Patriciale and also Marina Maladien to whom he was engaged to be married. With Zalen radically proposing to use himself as the test subject, the experiment got underway.
As the testing was nearing completion, a tremor caused by a nearby Outcast attack caused the equipment to fail and explode with all five scientists caught in the blast. While Zalen's experiment was a success, granting him generation and power over excess his bioelectric levels, it was not without cost: his fiancee Dr. Maladien would come to resent him and leave for the Rogue Isles with Blacksky, seeking employment with Arachnos. The two others were seemingly killed: only later would Zalen discover that Logan Wraith had survived the event as well, but had become a Warshade.
This left Dr. Patriciale as the only casualty, something that Zalen blames himself for. Adopting his late friend's most beloved symbol, the atom, he tured to fighing the evils of Paragon City in remeberance of Patriciale's sacrifices. During his time as a hero, he would continue associating with his former colleague Dr. Wraith, but he would also meet with Arctracer and Buza Capoeira as members of the Triumph Trisortion, as well as the Peacebringer Zamian.
The Triumph Trisortion
On various patrols, Dr. Jericho Zalen usually partners with Arctracer, the group's leader, and they share quite a bit of trust.
Powers and Abilities
Jericho Zalen has the ability to generate abount of bioelectric force and project it as energy blasts.
Secondary build
The Doc's alternate build currently replaces his flight with the ability to channel his bioelectricity for bursts of super speed.