Grampa Jones (Guardian)
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Tanker
Primary: Invulnerability
Secondary: Super Strength
Other Powers: Jumping, Fitness
Global Handle: @Spikor
Supergroup: The House of Emerald Strumpets
Other Associations: The United States Army
Grampa Jones' background is shrouded in mystery. Time has erased any accurate memories that Grampa might have once had. It seems likely, though, that Grampa served in the U.S. Army during "The Big One", World War II, alongside soldiers nicknamed "Tex", "Four Eyes", "Zebra", "Slim", "Oleo" and possibly others.
At some point before or after the war, Grampa had settled down with his wife Altheia, now deceased.

- Grampa Jones on Babbage
Without a doubt, Grampa is one of the more memorable characters in Paragon City. His brazen attitude combined with his ever increasing dementia make him say and do things many won't soon forget. In a recent battle with Nosferatu, Grampa could be seen changing into his World War II field uniform, dubbed his "Ratzi Stompin' Duds" and proceeded to uppercut the evil scientist all the way to the hospital.
Current Status
In recent years, Grampa Jones has been frequenting the House of Emerald Strumpets, acting as client, bouncer or heroic cohort to most of the groups many members. He can also often be found in the Rikti War Zone, dressed in his combat fatigues, often believing himself to once again be storming the coast of France during the Big One, Dubya Dubya Eye Eye.
However, in rare moments of lucidity, Grampa can be found searching various corners of the globe searching out his nemesis Mold Rinder, whom he blames for the death or corruption of most of his squad members.
Famous Quotes
•"Bah! I once grew a pumpkin 400 miles wide. The President commended me with a Pumpkinal Medal of Honor, and made me Emperor King of Rhode Island. If it hadn't been for the Civil War that followed, we'd only eat tunafish on Tuesday like God intended." - Grampa Jones regarding Eochai.
•"Lookin' For The Ol' Bob Jones Whirlybird Tooth Knuckle Knocker, Huh? Well Then, Mr. Giant Zombie, You Got Yourself One Humdinger of an Outhouse Door Flyin' Open Your Way." - Grampa Jones to Adamastor.
•"You Call That A Rock Monster? Back In My Day, Rock Monsters Were Twice as High, and You Had to Carry Them to School. Wrote The Day's Lesson's on Them, Back Then. Called 'em Lesson Monsters." - Grampa Jones on Jurassik.
•"You call that Heroically Staring Off In The Distance? You should have been around when I won the Scooterville Stare-A-Thon of '29. I stared down 42 elephants, 5 dead pheasants and a Mustard Tiger. You kids today couldn't stare the ink off a hog." - Grampa Jones to Manticore while waiting for others to start a task force.
•"MOLD RINDER!" - Grampa Jones to just about anyone, at any time.