The Butterfly Effect/Mission 1

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Badge ArchitectDevChoice.png This article contains information pertaining to content created through the use of the Mission Architect.
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• The content of this article pertains to a story arc that has been granted the status of Developer's Choice
The Butterfly Effect Arc ID: 2965 Author: @GadgetDon

Mission 1Mission 2Mission 3

Dr. Aeon reveals the secret purpose behind the prove that the Butterfly Effect is false, that the present cannot be changed by changing the past.

Try to change history
Unique map, level range 1-54. Contains Collection.


Dr. Aeon
Dr. Aeon
Yes, it is I, Doctor Aeon, the creator of the edifice you stand in now. Come close, and I will tell you a secret.

Why? Well, telling secrets is fun, and you look like a trustworthy sort of...all right. I need someone with your unique set of skills..

The secret? Oh, yes. The true purpose behind Architect Entertainment is for just one scientific experiment. Disprove the Butterfly Effect theory. "If you go back in time and do something small, it can make major changes to current time." My belief is that time cannot be changed, if a time traveller came from the future and made changes, it's because that time traveller always came from the future.

No, the Countess doesn't know. No one wants to fund pure science. It's all about "How will this destroy the bane of my existence" or "How will this give me ultimate power?" No interest in science for its own sake. Personally, I blame TV.

Anyway, are you interested in helping out?

Mission Acceptance

Dr. Aeon
Dr. Aeon
Very well. Time is short, and I must be brief. Well, as brief as I can.

I found an alternate Earth that evolved much like us, except no Meta-Humans. It's an Earth I've found useful over the past few years for scientific studies...and a few times that Lord Recluse is less than pleased with me. Today, it's a time for science!

The experiment--attempt to change the world's history. I'm going to send you and two objects six million years into that Earth's history.

First, find and bury the recorder. It can record over six million years of history, you'll be retrieving it later. Second, find and activate the chemical bomb. It will leak chemicals into the soil that will change the evolutionary process, if it was possible to change time.

It will be a primitive time. There will be beasts. Kill if you want, leave if you don't, it won't matter, because history can't be changed!


Dr. Aeon
Dr. Aeon
What are you doing? You must attempt to change history so we can prove it's impossible. Go. For Science!

Mission Objectives

Six million years in the past on an alternate world. Doing an experiment. How could this go wrong?

  • Bury the recorder
  • Activate the chemical bomb

You're happy to leave those weird lizards behind in the past.


Ancient Lizards Ancient Lizards


Dr. Aeon
Dr. Aeon
Excellent. Those chemicals would have had quite an impact on the biosphere over six million years, if it was possible to change history. Now to show that it didn't!

The Butterfly Effect Story Arc
Mission 1Mission 2Mission 3
Enemy Groups Ancient Lizards Ancient LizardsLizardmen Lizardmen
Notable NPCs Dr. AeonLizardmen Dr. Aeon