This article contains information pertaining to content created through the use of the Mission Architect. This information is considered non-canonical.
Finale: Nuburea's Battle
Large size map, level range 1-54. Contains Boss, Collection, Patrol, Ally.
 Prince Kiros Nandelu
MAGI has confirmed what we know about Nuburea and the ritual … as far as they could within this short time. Fortunately, the ritual seems to be easy to manipulate. The ceremory should already be under way, however – in order words, you must set out immediately.
The Messenger will accompany you. Nuburea is a large enough threat to justify this. Of course, we hope other heroes will be able to be on the spot, too.
Stop the rituals
 Prince Kiros Nandelu
The ritual involves a group of altars, with artifacts arranged on them. According to MAGI the arrangement can be easily modified to prevent Nuburea's spirit from returning. In case he already has arrived, you can also banish him again that way, but you'll have to break his resistance first – so let's hope it won't happen.
With some luck, Ms. Ge will make it there in time, too. They speculate she descends from an earth goddess herself, so she could be worth her weight in gold.
Banish Nuburea
You don't seem to be the first interferer. But the cultists appear uncomfortably confident.
- 4 more allies (optional)
- Find the Messenger again
- 6 altars to manipulate
- 2 cult leaders to defeat
Nuburea Cult
Notable NPCs
Before combat:
Nuburea Cult: Demigoddess or not, you're no match for our lord.
Ms. Ge: The heroes of this city will not watch you without intervening.
Combat start:
Nuburea Cult: Here come more interferers!
Ms. Ge: $name?
Once free: Hello. Unfortunately I don't know anything about that Nuburea, but I'll still do what I can.
If lost: $name? Where are you?
If refound: Sorry. We'd better stay together.
50% Health: They're really not to be sneezed at …
Defeated: I'm sorry, that was too much!
Nuburea Cult: Victory is ours!
Before combat:
Nuburea Cult: You are still weak, Ankomhoj. Your betrayal is doomed to failure.
The Messenger: You will meet the same fate as Ankomhoj and her followers.
Description: The supposed servant of Osiris has seized Ankomhoj's body and now uses it against his "enemies".
Combat start:
Nuburea Cult: These must be her followers!
The Messenger: At last.
Once free: Let's hope we're not too late.
If lost: What are you doing now?
If refound: These people are more powerful than Ankomhoj's cult was.
50% Health: You cannot intimidate me.
Defeated: No … He must not …
Kristopher Ash dialogue [show]
Before combat:
Nuburea Cult: Are you … a vampire?
Kristopher Ash: This is about you, not about me.
Combat start:
Nuburea Cult: Ambush!
Kristopher Ash: Well, it's about time.
Once free: Good day. I've got a notion you're needing help.
If lost: Huh? Where are the heroes?
If refound: Perhaps we should stay together.
25% Health: Hmm. Perhaps I should've brought help myself.
Defeated: I'm sorry. Even I have underestimated the danger, apparently.
Before combat:
Nuburea Cult: The ceremony has been crowned with success. No one will confound the return of our lord.
Mental Strike: Huh?
Combat start:
Nuburea Cult: Prevent interference of any kind!
Once free: What's going on here? I'm not doing anything, really! I just followed my snugglepuss.
If lost: Hey, where are you?
If refound: Do you want me to run around alone? They could do whatever with me!
50% Health: Hey, that hurts!
Defeated: Oh, damn you.
Before combat:
Nuburea Cult: Your lord must be badly off, sending somebody like you.
Angel Man: Uh, I think I've lost my way …
Combat start:
Nuburea Cult: He isn't alone after all!
Angel Man: Help!
Once free: Phew, I already thought I was doomed …
If lost: Hello? $name?
If refound: Let's show them how things should be done!
50% Health: I could do with some help …
Defeated: I'm sorry …
Patriarch Ounwadeo dialogue [show]
Before combat: It has taken millennia, but our generation has done it.
Combat start: You are too late, heroes!
50% Health: Submit to Nuburea, or be crushed!
Nuburea Cult 1: Praise our lord Nuburea!
Nuburea Cult 2: I've always believed in you!
Before combat: I'm back again … America? Fair enough.
Combat start: You're opposing me? I'm gonna test my power on you!
75% Health: I'm a demigod! I'm invincible!
50% Health: I've got to hand something to you, you are worthy opponents.
25% Health: I haven't waited eons to let myself be subdued by mortals!
Defeated: Meowwwwwwwwwww …
The Messenger successfully sends Nuburea back to the Netherworld. After that you heroes quickly make it clear to her that attempting to escape is futile.
 Prince Kiros Nandelu
Looks like the Messenger had been correct about Nuburea. Fortunately he's been banished from this plane again. Many thanks for this.
As for the Messenger, we've made it clear to her that we're the good guys and have good reasons for our laws. She can't accomplish much on her own, but if she accepts our laws we're going to accomodate her and move with her against our common enemies. She appears to begin to accept that.
- I originally considered making Nuburea a Giant Monster, hence the high number of allies. However, it turned out to be impossible in a mission intended to be soloable because the GM would not scale down depending on the player's notoriety settings, but the allies would. I then decided to make a major battle with an AV, an EB and a high number of guards in a single room.