Keiko Alteridem (Triumph)
It was 1984 when Keiko Alteridem and her husband, Theo, escaped Praetorian Earth by magical means. Keiko soon fell in with the heroic side of Paragon City's magical community, and was frequently seen to assist MAGI and the Midnight Squad. Keiko and Theo adopted a son shortly after their arrival, and in 1987, Keiko gave birth to twin daughters, who she and Theo named Megan and Cyril.
During this period, Keiko fought against Rosa Kreuz on several occasions, becoming increasingly frustrated at her inability to counter Rosa's apparently-magical self-resurrection ability. To this day, Keiko is working to insure that Rosa remains underground the next time she's buried. In addition to her fights with Rosa Kreuz, Keiko battled against many of Paragon's criminal factions, and gained a notable animosity towards the Circle of Thorns, which she still harbors.
Keiko Alteridem very rarely speaks of her life before escaping Praetorian Earth, so information regarding how she began learning either magical or martial arts is not available. Keiko has passed her arcane knowledge to her daughter, Cyril, and trained her son, Beckett, in the ways of the sword.
Current Status
Keiko Alteridem very openly lives two lives. On one hand, she is a devoted wife and mother, who raised three children to adulthood and made them into upstanding members of society. On the other hand, she is a powerful and dangerous hero, who frequently battles, and often dismembers, villains who threaten society. She maintains a close friendship with Chihiro-san, and the two often engage in various magic-related pursuits. Keiko is also deeply involved in the workings of the Alteridem Foundation, which she was instrumental in forming. She maintains a number of contacts within Paragon's magical community, though she has fallen out of favor with MAGI, having repeatedly and publically criticized Gregor Richardson's apparent inability to notice when MAGI's vault is being robbed despite spending all day standing in front of it.
Keiko Alteridem is sweet, kind, and gentle. She loves her family and friends, likes children, cats, dogs, and just about anything cute, and really, really, likes to cook. Keiko is softspoken and polite, as well as being unwaveringly trustworthy and loyal to those close to her. On an almost daily basis, Keiko surrounds herself in magical fire as a means of protection, and proceeds to seek out criminals and evildoers, lauching herself at them like a whirlwind of searing flames and razor-edged blades. With magic swords and magic flames, Keiko can cut or burn her way through nearly any obstacle, and she has no mercy for the unjust.
Serenity seems to be Keiko Alteridem's watchword. She wades into combat with a look of detached peace on her face, as if she's absolutely certain of her victory, or else believes victory does not matter so long as the fight is carried out. This habit tends to unnerve her enemies, as she continues to smile calmly as bullets fly fast her head or axes sink into her shoulders. The relaxed, happy look in Keiko's eyes can only be removed by harming an innocent person, or someone close to Keiko, in her sight. Making this mistake will replace Keiko's calm demeanor with a fury as hot as the fires surrounding her, and insure the offender's status as Keiko's next victim.
Powers and Abilities
Magic is the source of Keiko's power. That and her talent for melee combat. Though she prefers fire magic, Keiko is skilled in many forms of spellwork, which she can employ at will. She is able to fly, find enemies at long distances, and protect her body and mind in multiple ways. Keiko Alteridem is excellent at producing and breaking enchantments.
In addition, Keiko is skilled in most forms kenjutsu, the art of the sword, though she specializes in a variation of nitōjutsu (two-sword method) that replaces the smaller, off-hand blade with a second katana. This style was developed by Keiko when she lived on Praetorian Earth. Though her reasons for creating a unique martial art are unclear, Keiko prefers her fighting style over more traditional swordsmanship. Keiko has limited understanding of other martial arts, but is at her best with a pair of similar blades in her hands.
Keiko is experienced in the art of concealing weaponry, so disarming her is much more difficult than one would expect. Even unarmed, Keiko's magic makes her a significant threat.
Akatsuki and Hakumei are Keiko's twin katana, which she carries at all times. Both blades are enchanted for greater durability, and are able to slice through most objects with ease. In addition, Keiko usually has at least two more, smaller blades hidden on her person in case she is disarmed, or her preferred weapons are broken.