Theo Alteridem (Triumph)
Theo Alteridem and his wife, Keiko, turned up in Paragon City in 1984, fleeing what later became known as Praetorian Earth. The pair quickly established themselves as heroes, adopted an abandoned infant, and set about fighting villains, making enemies, and all the usual hero activities. They were presumably engaged in activities of another sort, as evidenced by their twin daughters, Megan and Cyril.
The pair started the Alteridem Foundation in 1999, with the stated goal of bringing promising young meta-humans into the heroic fold. During this time, Theo began investing heavily in the stock markets, eventually accumulating a large degree of personal wealth, much of which is poured into the Foundation.
Theo and Keiko tend to keep quiet about their past, and, being Praetorians, other sources are not readily available. They seem to have incurred the undying hatred of a villain called Rosa Kreuz at some point, however.
Current Status
Although he's more than 50 years old, Theo Alteridem looks and acts half his age, energetically seeking out villains to fight and managing the many eccentric personalities in the Alteridem Foundation. He has made connections with a number of people and groups within Paragon City, and leverages these to get recruits for the Foundation. Theo doesn't get to fight villains directly as much as he used to, due to the need to manage the Foundation, but he still finds time to brawl on occasion.
Theo hardly looks the part of the prestigious upper-class man or leader of a force of heroes. He lacks the class of most wealthy market tycoons, and the inspiring presence of those who lead. Theo has mastered the fine art of leadership by example, and tends to encourage Foundation members to take extreme measures in fighting injustice, a tendancy which comes from spending much of his life in Praetoria. Theo is also a proponent of free thought, and argues vehemently against government regulation in almost every field which the government regulates, having grown up in essentially the worst-case scenario for mindless obedience and government control.
His habit of turning up at high-society cocktail parties with unkempt hair and three-day stubble makes Theo rather unpopular with the rest of Paragon's weathly upper class, which many suspect is actually intentional on Theo's part. Theo does have a fair bit of money stashed away, however, and is generous in donating it to what he considers good causes, so he keeps finding his way into such gatherings despite being generally considered an uncouth louse.
Despite his appearance, Theo Alteridem is actually extremely fastidious, placing a high value on personal hygiene. He also never drinks or smokes, both due to his religous beliefs and a genuine fear that doing so would negatively impact his physical health. Religion plays a significant role in Theo's lifestyle, a fact that some people will try (unsuccessfully) using to manipulate his actions.
Theo is very deeply in love with Keiko Alteridem. Which works out well, what with them being married. Everything about her seems to fascinate him, and he is constantly in awe of her magical abilities, which he says are far beyond his comprehension. On account of this, Theo tends to keep Keiko near him as much as possible, and the two are rarely seen apart. In addition, Theo is very proud of his three children, Beckett, Megan, and Cyril, and is very happy with their continued passion for heroism.
Powers and Abilities
Theo Alteridem holds the distinction of being the original Force of Will user, and the only person who can use it to fly. This fact presents a conundrum of physics: Theo Alteridem is able to exempt himself from every natural law which should prevent him from flying simply by wanting to. The full implications of this are a popular debate topic at the Federal Bureau of Super-powered Affairs. Beyond this, Theo's powers are primarily at the baseline for Force of Will users, though he is slightly stronger and tougher than the average.
While his wife and son focus on bladed weaponry, Theo is an expert at unarmed combat. His fighting style is straightforward, he tends to attack a single enemy at a time, rarely switching targets before his current foe is disabled. This habit, along with Theo's lack of area-striking capabilities, leaves him at a disadvantage when fighting against large groups. Theo tries to compensate for this by hitting enemies hard and fast, trying to take down each foe as quickly as possible.
It is probably true that Theo could use Force of Will to compensate for his nearsightedness, but doing so would demand constant focus, and give him a headache. Keiko Alteridem has therefore enchanted these corrective glasses such that, when properly worn, they will not come off unless Theo wants them to. This may not seem like much, but these glasses are vital to Theo's success, without them, friends and enemies alike are reduced to vague, blurry shapes in his eyes.
Trench Coats
It is not entirely clear why Theo Alteridem likes trench coats so much, but he wears them through the eight or nine months of the year when it's too cold for T-shirts. Either Theo has a large collection of similar coats, or one with supernatural regenerative capabilities, since to matter how badly stained, torn, ripped, or burnt his coat becomes, Theo always has a good-as-new trench coat on the next day.