Megan Alteridem (Triumph)
Megan Alteridem is Cyril Alteridem's twin sister, and was born to Theo and Keiko Alteridem around two years after they adopted Beckett. Megan grew up in Paragon City's Steel Canyon district, where she unlocked her Force of Will abilities at the age of nine, thanks to a child molester with terrible luck, who, after a long stint in intensive care with multiple fractures and serious internal bleeding, went on spend fifteen years in the Ziggurat before being released and dying under very mysterious curcumstances. Megan bounced back from that terrible exerience with suprising ease, rapidly developing her powers and registering as a hero as soon as she could. The experience did leave its marks, however, giving her personality a clear, if small, dark streak.
Current Status
Like her siblings, Megan is a veteran member of the Alteridem Foundation, though she hasn't branched out as much as Beck or Cyril. Her primary job in the Foundation is to provide brute force, which she does with enthusiasm. Megan is also talented at resource management and shows some skill as a leader. Most often, Megan is seen using her close-combat abilities and significant physical resilience to suppliment her sister's talent for ranged attacks.
"Sunny" is a popular word among those asked to describe Megan Alteridem. She cheerful and lively, and tends to make friends wherever she goes. Her constantly energetic nature makes Megan difficult to keep up with, and she sweeps those around her up in pursuit of whatever her next goal is. Megan moves from one goal to the next without pause, rarely stopping or relaxing. When Megan does stop, however, she stops hard, and it is not unusual for her to sleep for over eighteen hours after several days without rest. Megan is more than a little proud of her figure, and is usually seen in tight or otherwise flattering clothing. Despite this, she enforces a strict "look, don't touch" policy. Breaking this rule once usually merits a fist across the mouth and a vehement warning. The few repeat offenders tend to end up with broken bones, typically in the arms.
Megan is always looking for something new and different. A new friend, another enemy, a food she hasn't eaten yet, a movie she hasn't seen. Megan loves things that stand out, and she loves finding things that make her think. She also enjoys riding her motorcycle, and sometimes goes on spontaneous road trips for hours or days at a time.
There are few things that Megan Alteridem actively dislikes. One is evil, and another is when people assume that that she's unintelligent because of her focus on direct combat and force. Megan's Force of Will makes her body extremely dense and durable, and drastically increases her physical strength, so she's at her best charging the enemy and pounding them with her fists -and she knows it. Megan has no problem with crossing lines that fellow heroes wouldn't cross. She isn't afraid to defend her actions, with force if she has to.
For all her positive traits, Megan Alteridem can be stubborn or abrasive when disagreed with. As mentioned, she has a tendency for brutality when dealing with criminals, which is looked down on by much of the heroic community, but actively encouraged by her family.
Powers and Abilities
Chief among Megan Alteridem's powers is her amazing resistance to damage. She can withstand more harm than any other Force of Will user, and is able to take sustained fire from heavy weapons, repeated blows to the head, and other forms of normally-lethal trauma with little actual harm. Megan's tolerance for pain is also above and beyond her peers, and she has been known to continue to stand and fight despite serious injuries. Megan is even capable of forcing herself to stand up and even run with multiple fractures in both legs, and continue fighting with broken arms. Her response to a dislocated joint is to jam it back into place and carry on the brawl, and she has been known to win pitched battles on sheer determination. This power, and Megan's use of it, is not without its downsides. Despite her heightened regenerative abilities, Megan requires more attention from the Alteridem Foundation's resident doctors than every other Foundation member combined. The Foundation's injury specialist, Doctor Testarossa, frequently has to pick bullets out of Megan's muscles, and has had to re-break and set Megan's fractured bones, as they have a tendancy to begin healing incorrectly in mid-battle.
Megan has a motorcycle of unidentified make and model. It has a very loud engine and is able to travel at well above safe or legal speeds. Megan likes her motorcycle quite a bit, and is frequently seen riding it around Paragon City.