This article contains information pertaining to content created through the use of the Mission Architect. This information is considered non-canonical.
Part Three: The Rescue
Medium size map, level range 1-54. Contains Boss, Collection, Patrol, Release Captive, Ally.
 Kristopher Ash
Thanks to her father and the Shields you captured, I have been able to determine the place where they are presumably studying Sayuri. It may or may not be their main quarters for this city, but I'm sure they have come to stay. Are you ready for another assault?
Assault the base
 Kristopher Ash
Don't be overconfident. This building will have more powerful defenses and occupants than the first one. Fortunately, Sayuri's friend Lady Angel has agreed to join you.
Rescue Sayuri Dusk
 Kristopher Ash
I believe Sayuri is still alive, but we don't know when they will be done with her. We cannot afford to waste time.
Time to put these heronapping vigilantes in their place.
- Find Lady Angel (optional)
- 4 desks to search
- Arrest the person in charge
- Rescue Sayuri Dusk
Shields of Fiminster
Notable NPCs
Before combat:
Shield of Fiminster: You're an angel. Join forces with us and we will vanquish evil together.
Lady Angel: I'm here because you seem to be doing evil yourselves …
Combat start:
Shield of Fiminster: I'm afraid that's not an angel, that's a diversion!
Lady Angel: …
Once free: I'm not sure what I'm to think of these people, but I can't let them harm Yuri.
If lost: $name? Wait for me!
If refound: We heroes need to stick together.
50% Health: Don't you realize we're heroes fighting each other? This is madness!
Defeated: Oof … Sorry, they sent me to hospital … You need to put an end to this!
Shield of Fiminster 1: I heard we're alienating the local heroes … Shouldn't we be working with them?
Shield of Fiminster 2: Come on, these "Heroes" are allied with creatures of evil. Most of them /are/ our enemies.
Lenard O'Heron dialogue [show]
Before combat: Are you done studying that "curse"? I'd like to get rid of that creature before something happens.
Combat start: Who do we have here? More of these false heroes, apparently!
75% Health: I advise you to cooperate, because at the end of the day, good always triumphes!
50% Health: Vampires are creatures of evil. Every sane person is aware of that. True heroes don't fall for them.
25% Health: You can kill me, but my brothers will only fight harder.
Defeated: You … Your kind won't …
Before combat:
Shield of Fiminster: You are inherently evil, whether you realize it or not. Only death will free your spirit.
Sayuri Dusk: Please … I …
Combat start:
Shield of Fiminster: No! Don't let the vampire be freed!
Sayuri Dusk: Huh …?
Upon rescue: They … said I was evil …
 Kristopher Ash
Excellent work, thank you. My student should be well soon … her injuries are mostly emotional. You have discovered some interesting artifacts, although they are at MAGI now.
As for Azure Huntress, she denies ever having accused Freedom Corps of corruption, or working with the Shields. She believes she has been framed by someone.